Bilpin's Community Project

To help assist their recovery Council conducted an online survey in May 2020 asking the three communities to nominate a wide range of priority projects that would benefit their community. The top priority projects in each community formed the basis for the successful application for funding.
The funding body recently signed off the detailed costings and project construction program and the projects that the communities asked for can now be built in Bilpin, Colo Heights and the Macdonald Valley. Council will also contribute funding for additional works in these communities which will run in tandem to the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund projects.
Ongoing discussions and engagement will continue to be held with the community and key stakeholders as the projects progresses, particularly around incorporating artwork into community spaces. The works in your community will include:
Bilpin Hall Precinct
- Community artwork
- Water storage – 120,000L water storage tank and pump for community use during bushfires.
- Extra storage area with awning on western side for community use and RFS briefings
Bilpin Hall Fire Resistance
- Leaf guard for gutters
- Sprinkler system
- Heavy duty screens on windows and doors
- Upgrade doors
- Community message board
- 10kw solar energy system with battery storage
- Small genset with essential services circuit throughout the building
Bilpin Oval
- Playground for all ages
- Carpark upgrade
- Landscaping, retaining walls, pathways
- Oval upgrade
- Picnic shelters
- Water storage - 120 000L water storage tank and pump for community use during bushfires
- Toilet replacement