Bounty Reserve playspace

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We have an exciting new upgrade planned for Bounty Reserve playground, so it is more welcoming and accessible for everyone to enjoy.

Bounty Reserve playground is located at 37 Wetherill Crescent, Bligh Park and is a local playground, providing play opportunities for local residents.

It would be great if you could spare a few minutes to answer the survey and help us understand how the playground is currently used and what you would like to see included in the new design. The survey form can be found below and can be filled out until midnight Friday 5 July 2024.

We propose to replace the existing playground with a new play space for children 1-12 years old. Works will include shade, seats, drinking fountain, bin, carpark resurfacing and connections to the pathway from the car park. The softfall will be a combination of much with rubber in key wear areas and the design will incorporate connection to Country.

This renewal does not include water play, an increase in size or change of playground hierarchy (i.e. this playground will remain a Local playground).

We have an exciting new upgrade planned for Bounty Reserve playground, so it is more welcoming and accessible for everyone to enjoy.

Bounty Reserve playground is located at 37 Wetherill Crescent, Bligh Park and is a local playground, providing play opportunities for local residents.

It would be great if you could spare a few minutes to answer the survey and help us understand how the playground is currently used and what you would like to see included in the new design. The survey form can be found below and can be filled out until midnight Friday 5 July 2024.

We propose to replace the existing playground with a new play space for children 1-12 years old. Works will include shade, seats, drinking fountain, bin, carpark resurfacing and connections to the pathway from the car park. The softfall will be a combination of much with rubber in key wear areas and the design will incorporate connection to Country.

This renewal does not include water play, an increase in size or change of playground hierarchy (i.e. this playground will remain a Local playground).

  • We want you to help us choose what play equipment will go towards making your new playground at Bounty Reserve!

    Take Survey
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Page published: 17 Jun 2024, 02:30 PM