Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Updates for Hawkesbury Residents
Council recognises that there is significant concern in the community around Coronavirus. This page has been set up to provide local information to our community about Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will regularly update this page with messages from NSW Health and also advise of any changes to our operations which may affect our residents.
The global management of the situation is evolving daily.
Council is following the recommendations of the Federal and State Government agencies before any changes are made to our operations.
Members of the public are encouraged to observe good hygiene practices and seek advice from their General Practitioner or local hospital if they have flu-like symptoms.
NSW Government Health Website
Further information about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can be obtained from the State Government health agency(External link)
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District(External link) and our hospitals have well established plans for handling respiratory infections, like COVID-19 and influenza further details can be found
Council recognises that there is significant concern in the community around Coronavirus. This page has been set up to provide local information to our community about Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will regularly update this page with messages from NSW Health and also advise of any changes to our operations which may affect our residents.
The global management of the situation is evolving daily.
Council is following the recommendations of the Federal and State Government agencies before any changes are made to our operations.
Members of the public are encouraged to observe good hygiene practices and seek advice from their General Practitioner or local hospital if they have flu-like symptoms.
NSW Government Health Website
Further information about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can be obtained from the State Government health agency(External link)
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District
Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District(External link) and our hospitals have well established plans for handling respiratory infections, like COVID-19 and influenza further details can be found
Council Services - Daily Update
Share Council Services - Daily Update on Facebook Share Council Services - Daily Update on Twitter Share Council Services - Daily Update on Linkedin Email Council Services - Daily Update link23 Mar 2020During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we will be providing daily updates on Council services through our website link)(External link) and our Facebook page.
In response to the advice from the Government, Council will close the following services from 12pm today:
- Richmond Swimming Centre
- Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre, South Windsor
- Hawkesbury Indoor Stadium
- Upper Colo Reserve, Upper Colo
Please see the document to the right of the screen under the Council Services - Daily Update heading.
Council Services - Daily Update
Share Council Services - Daily Update on Facebook Share Council Services - Daily Update on Twitter Share Council Services - Daily Update on Linkedin Email Council Services - Daily Update link19 Mar 2020During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, we will be providing daily updates on Council services through our website link) and our Facebook page.
Please see the document to the right of the screen under the Council Services - Daily Update heading.
Update on Council Library Operations
Share Update on Council Library Operations on Facebook Share Update on Council Library Operations on Twitter Share Update on Council Library Operations on Linkedin Email Update on Council Library Operations link19 Mar 2020Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Council is working to protect our community by reducing in-person contact. The following changes will take place at our libraries of as of Friday, 20 March 2020:
❌ The Richmond Library will be closed until further notice
❌No public access to computers at Hawkesbury Central Library
✅ Books may still be returned and borrowed and FREE wifi is still available at the Hawkesbury Central Library
✅Library members are encouraged to use the online Library catalogue to search and borrow eBooks, eMagazines and access many other eResources
✅Members can now borrow up to 40 items
✅Non-library members are encouraged to join
✅People can become a member online – but go to the Library to show ID and collect library card
⚠️Council Administration Building⚠️
Share ⚠️Council Administration Building⚠️ on Facebook Share ⚠️Council Administration Building⚠️ on Twitter Share ⚠️Council Administration Building⚠️ on Linkedin Email ⚠️Council Administration Building⚠️ link19 Mar 2020Council will close its in-person access at its Administration Building in Windsor effective from Friday, 20 March 2020. Essential services will be maintained and Council will continue providing Customer Service through its telephone and online services listed below;
Council encourages everyone to use its online services:
Website: link)
Council’s Customer Service: 4560 4444
Report or Request It - Online Forms: link)
Upper Colo Reserve - Online Booking: link)
Council Facebook Page: link)Initial documentation for Development Applications may be dropped off for review at the front of Council’s Administration Building in the mail box at 366 George Street, Windsor.
⚠️🚽⚠️Be careful what you flush⚠️🚽⚠️
Share ⚠️🚽⚠️Be careful what you flush⚠️🚽⚠️ on Facebook Share ⚠️🚽⚠️Be careful what you flush⚠️🚽⚠️ on Twitter Share ⚠️🚽⚠️Be careful what you flush⚠️🚽⚠️ on Linkedin Email ⚠️🚽⚠️Be careful what you flush⚠️🚽⚠️ link19 Mar 2020We would like to remind our residents that products such as paper towel, baby wipes, tissues and flush-able wipes are NOT to be flushed down the toilet. Although some of these products may state that they are "flush-able" they do not break down and can cause blockages in the sewer network leading to an overflow which can then impact private property with overflowing possible inside your home. If you need to use these products, please dispose of them in your general waste bins.
Council maintains key services during COVID-19 response
Share Council maintains key services during COVID-19 response on Facebook Share Council maintains key services during COVID-19 response on Twitter Share Council maintains key services during COVID-19 response on Linkedin Email Council maintains key services during COVID-19 response link19 Mar 2020The incidence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is increasing across the nation and represents an immediate and serious threat to our community members. In an effort to protect our community, Hawkesbury City Council will:
- limit opportunities for transmission of the virus within our local community
- ensure the ongoing provision of Council services to the community.
Council is implementing changes to its operations and services on Friday, 20 March as listed below.
Customer Service
Council will close its in-person access at its Administration Building in Windsor effective from Friday, 20 March 2020. Essential services will be maintained and Council will continue providing Customer Service through its telephone and online services (website, Facebook, email).
Council encourages everyone to use its online services at link) and for any enquiries, including bushfire recovery enquiries, please call Council’s Customer Service on 4560 4444 or email link)
Hawkesbury Visitor Information Centre
As part this operational response, Council will also cease in-person access at the Hawkesbury Visitor Information Centre. Telephone and online services will continue to be provided by the Hawkesbury Visitor Information Centre.
- No public access to computers at Hawkesbury Central Library, however books may still be returned and borrowed and wifi still available
- Library members are encouraged to use the online Library catalogue to search and borrow eBooks, eMagazines and access many other eResources
- Members can now borrow up to 40 items
- Non-library members are encouraged to join
- People can become a member online – but go to the Library to show ID and collect library card
Council facilities listed below will be closed from Friday, 20 March 2020:
· Hawkesbury Regional Museum
· Hawkesbury Regional Gallery
· Richmond Branch Library
Events and public programs
· All upcoming community events have been postponed including the Hawkesbury Thank You Street Parade and Festival and all Library, Museum and Gallery public programs.
Council services operating as usual:
· All waste collections – domestic, recycling and green waste
· Kerbside collection
· Waste Management Facility
· Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter.
· Initial documentation for Development Applications may be dropped off for review at the front of Council’s Administration Building in the mail box at 366 George Street, Windsor.
A comprehensive list of all facilities and services included as part of Council’s operational response to COVID-19 is available at link)
Council Meetings
Council Meetings will continue, please check website link) and Council’s official Facebook page link) for updates prior to each meeting.
Council is monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation which is evolving daily. Council will continue to follow the advice of the NSW and Federal Governments and their health departments.
Reviewing other Council operations
Council is reviewing the operations of pools, gyms, Council Meetings and Committee Meetings.
Council will keep all community members, organisations and staff updated of any changes to Council’s operations during the COVID-19 pandemic on its website link) and on Council’s official Facebook page link)
Members of the public are advised to practice good hygiene guidelines, including correct handwashing and social distancing as promoted on the Federal Government’s Department of Health website at link) For further information and regular updates about Coronavirus (COVID-19) visit link)
Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission
Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Facebook Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Twitter Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Linkedin Email Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission link18 Mar 2020Hawkesbury City Council is required to cancel the community session that was planned for Tuesday, 24 March at the Hawkesbury Digital Domain at the Deerubbin Centre.
This is a precautionary measure for community members and Council staff due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
In place of the drop in face-to-face session, Council is providing a phone assistance service for
1. the NSW Government’s Bushfires Inquiry and
2. the Federal Government’s Bushfires Royal Commission.
Please call Council’s Customer Service on 4560 4444 for assistance.
NSW Bushfire Inquiry Submission are open until Friday, 27 March 2020.
NSW Inquiry submissions can be made at any time at link)or by calling 13 77 88 or via email link)
or in person at any Service NSW service centre or at a Mobile Service Centre.
Royal Commission Submissions open until Friday, 3 April 2020.
Community members now have the chance to make submissions to the Federal Government’s Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, also known as the Bushfires Royal Commission. Hawkesbury City Council is encouraging community members to make submissions.
Royal Commission submissions can be made at any time at link)
or call 1800 909 826 to make a Royal Commission submission over the phone or to request a hard copy form.
Council is also making hard copy submission forms for both the NSW Inquiry and the Federal Government’s Royal Commission available at various locations in the Hawkesbury including Council’s Administration Building, Hawkesbury Central Library Windsor, Richmond Branch Library and central locations in Colo, Bilpin, Kurrajong, Kurrajong Heights and St Albans. The forms are also available on Council’s website link)
Coronavirus Testing at Hawkesbury Hospital
Share Coronavirus Testing at Hawkesbury Hospital on Facebook Share Coronavirus Testing at Hawkesbury Hospital on Twitter Share Coronavirus Testing at Hawkesbury Hospital on Linkedin Email Coronavirus Testing at Hawkesbury Hospital link16 Mar 2020A mobile clinic van is now set up for Coronavirus testing at Hawkesbury Hospital from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
The Coronavirus clinics can be accessed from outside the hospitals. Simply arrive at the hospital and follow the signs.
Patients who are tested will receive their results usually within 72 hours.
Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED
Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Facebook Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Twitter Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Linkedin Email Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED link17 Mar 2020Hawkesbury City Council will be postponing major events with an expected attendance of 500 people or more following the advice from the Federal and State Government regarding the Coronavirus (COVID 19).
This includes the ‘Hawkesbury Thank You Parade & Festival’ which was due to take place on Sunday, 29th March.
Updates on rescheduling Council’s major events will be available on link)
Community Concerns About Coronavirus
Share Community Concerns About Coronavirus on Facebook Share Community Concerns About Coronavirus on Twitter Share Community Concerns About Coronavirus on Linkedin Email Community Concerns About Coronavirus link17 Mar 2020Council recognise that there is significant concern in the community around Coronavirus.
The global management of the situation is evolving daily.
Council is following the recommendations of the Federal and State Government agencies before any changes are made to our operations.
At this stage all council operated community facilities such as libraries, community centres, sporting and recreational facilities remain open with no changes to operations.
Members of the public are encouraged to observe good hygiene practices and seek advice from their General Practitioner or local hospital if they have flu-like symptoms.
Further information about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) can be obtained from the State Government health agency:…/dise…/Pages/coronavirus.aspx(External link)
Important Links
- Current restrictions for Greater Sydney (External link)
- Current case locations (External link)
- COVID-19 testing locations (External link)
- Where you can get vaccinated locally (External link)
- Financial assistance for local businesses (External link)
- Frequently Asked Questions COVID-19 (External link)
- Service NSW - COVID-19 (External link)
- NSW Government Legislation (External link)
- NSW Government - Health (External link)
- Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (External link)
News Categories
- Council Update (26)
- Financial Assistance (1)
- General News (3)
- Health Updates (1)