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Have Your Say on Stage 1A and 2 of Windsor Liveability Project

Hawkesbury City Council has heard your feedback on the plans for the Liveability Project - Windsor Town Centre Stage 1a (Baker Street to Bridge Street) and 2 (Windsor Mall) and here is how they have been incorporated into the final plans. To VIEW THE PLANS CLICK HERE or go to the documents sections of this page. 

Fix the decks and umbrellas outside the businesses between Baker Street and Bridge Street.

Council had previously received Heritage direction for removal of the deck area. Heritage advice has also been received that the current outdoor furniture, including timber platforms, shade structures and seating is considered to be intrusive, obscuring views of the street frontages and detracting from the historic street character. The raised decks and fixed shade structures will be removed. Instead, these areas will be paved, inline with the surrounding pathways and road level. All hard structures, awnings and shade sails will be removed, and collapsible and moveable umbrellas will be utilized instead. The project will improve the outdoor dining space throughout and continuity through to the Windsor Mall. 

Make sure the heritage and history of the buildings is maintained.

Hawkesbury City Council understands that ensuring the heritage of Windsor Town Centre is maintained is a priority for the community. 

Maintain, re-use, restore and honour sandstone kerb and guttering.

Council has heard the community and will honour and restore (if needed) sandstone that currently exists within the project areas. The removal of the decks in the area between Baker Street and Bridge Street will allow the previously covered sandstone kerb and gutter to be uncovered and restored if required.

What will happen to the engraved pavers? These need to be kept in place. 

The engraved pavers will be placed into the new paving area within the Windsor Mall and will be put in locations where people can sit and stop, ensuring the information on these pavers can be preserved, viewed, and enjoyed for many years to come. 

Will the changes make George Street one straight line, like what we have seen in other town centre’s in Sydney?

Council understands the communities desire to keep the meandering look and feel to Windsor Town Centre. The plans for the revitalisation of the Windsor Mall (Stage 2) ensure this is maintained throughout by careful consideration of furniture, garden beds and tree placement whilst adhering to relevant safety codes for emergency vehicle access. 

Will the Gas Lamps be removed?

No, the Gas Lamps will remain in Windsor Town Centre as per previous resolution of Council.

Will new pavers be placed in Windsor Mall, or will you reuse the old ones?

All pavers used in the Windsor Town Centre revitalisation will be new pavers. Original planning considered reusing pavers in Windsor Mall however, further investigation and planning has uncovered this was not cost efficient, nor feasible from a re-use perspective, does not meet current DCP standards, and would also impact on a longer construction period thus further likelihood of interruption to businesses. The recommended way forward is to utilise new pavers.

Colour of Pavers.

Council has previously asked for the communities colour choice, and the new pavers will be consistent with that decision. 

How will the upgrades impact connectivity of the malls?

The revitalisation will improve connectivity by keeping the design and features consistent throughout George Street in its entirety.

Please improve accessibility to George Street.

The revitalisation project will maintain and improve emergency access throughout George Street and also upgrade pedestrian access which has been a high priority for the community and businesses. 

If you have any further feedback to provide on the Windsor Liveability Project, Stages 1A and 2, please click on the 'Make Submission' button below. 

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

The inclusion of personal information with your submission is voluntary. However, if not provided Council will not be able to contact you about the proposal. The information will be stored in Council's electronic records system and paper files. For your protection, Council recommends that you do not include defamatory comments in your submission.

Under Section 10.4(5) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, any person who makes a submission to Council is required to disclose any political donation or gift. Where relevant a Political Donation and Gift Disclosure Statement is to accompany any submission lodged with Council. This statement can be obtained from Council’s Customer Service Unit or on Council’s website.

Any comments about this proposal may contain information that is personal information, such as information that identifies you, etc., for the purposes of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1988.

Submissions are balanced with Council’s statutory obligations, the rights of the proponent and the public interest. Council must consider any submissions made before it decides whether to proceed with or abandon a proposal.