COVID Update - 7 January 2021
As face masks are now mandatory for most indoor premises across Greater Sydney, which includes the Hawkesbury, Council is encouraging our community to:
Wear a face mask if you are visiting our indoor public spaces (there are exemptions for children under 12 and those with a health condition)
When visiting our facilities, check in using the Service NSW QR code
Practice social distancing, with a distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and others
If you have even the mildest systems, get tested and stay at home so you do not expose others to illness
Use our online options where possible link)
Do your business over the phone by contacting our Customer Service Centre on 4560 4444.
We thank you for continuing to work with us to keep everyone safe during this evolving situation.
Although it is not the responsibility of businesses to enforce regulations on customers, our staff and the general public can report non compliance to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Click here(External link) for further information on the current restrictions for Greater Sydney
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