Customer Service Centre Opening to the Public
Our Customer Service Centre will reopen to the public from Thursday, 4 June 2020 with some restrictions in place for your safety and the safety of our staff.
👉Opening hours will be from 9am to 4pm
👉A hand sanitiser stand is in place at the entry to reception
👉Keep 1.5m distance from our staff and other members of the public
👉Our counter now has protective screens in place
👉Cashless payments are the preferred method of payment
👉The Duty Officer will not be available at the counter but you are able to contact Council for planning advice at
👉Please DO NOT attend this facility if you are unwell
We continue to have online options if your preference is to do business this way.
👉Online Report or Request it form
👉Call our Customer Service Centre on 4560 4444
👉Email Council at
👉Visit our website