Hawkesbury Regional Museum - Opening to the Public
The Hawkesbury Regional Museum will re open to the public from 10am tomorrow, Wednesday 10 June 2020. Our staff from Hawkesbury Visitor Information Centre will also be at this location until further notice.
Some things will be different on your visit. We are implementing a range of measures to ensure the health and well-being of our visitors and staff and to facilitate social distancing. The Museum experience may be different to what you are used to, but your safety is our main priority.
👉Opening hours will be from 10am to 4pm (closed Tuesday)
👉Social distancing rules are in place
👉1.5 metre floor markings to support social distancing
👉Maximum of 40 visitors
👉Hand sanitiser station at entry to the Museum
👉Queuing lines will be in place
👉High contact touch points cleaned throughout the day
👉Signage displayed at the facility with Covid-19 safety messages
👉Perspex sneeze guards at Museum reception
👉Vigilance in adhering to the most up-to-date state and federal government instructions and guidelines
👉The Museum Shop will be open, but for cashless purchases only
👉There are no group bookings or public programs until further notice
👉We ask please, that people not visit the Museum if they are feeling at all unwell
👉We are required to keep a record of visitor names and phone number or email address, for a period of at least 28 days. This information will be kept securely and only for the purpose of tracing COVID-19 infections.