Bilpin's Community Project - Community Engagement
Back in 2016 Council spoke to the community about what they would like to see at the site. Unfortunately, the planned works were unable to proceed due to land ownership issues. An agreement has now been reached between National Parks Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Council and work at the site can now proceed.
It is now important for Council to confirm that what you told us back in 2016 is still relevant and that the works you identified as your priority projects are what you would still like to see in your community, particularly in light of the recent bushfires that impacted so significantly on Bilpin.
The budget for the works in 2016 was $236 000 and this budget has not changed however there may be an additional allocation of funds available as part of bushfire recovery. Council will focus on delivering as many priority projects within the budget that we can so it is important for you to identify what your top priorities are. In 2016 you told us your top priorities were:
- Toilet facilities
- Picnic shelters
- Playground equipment
- Oval upgrade
- Carpark works
We are also doing some general maintenance and upgrading works at the Bilpin Hall. We will be installing three shadecloth awnings, replacing the kitchen floor covering, installing new ceiling fans and some other general repairs. Work will be underway shortly.
Below is a survey with these five priority projects listed in priority order. We encourage you to complete the survey to help us to plan and deliver this Community Project to the Bilpin Community.
Survey closes Tuesday, 12 May 2020.