Be You Bushfire Response Program
The program provides tailored mental health support to schools and early learning services affected by bushfires across Australia. Informed by placed-based and community-led principles, the Program empowers bushfire affected communities to lead their own recovery.
The Bushfire Response Program is offering Hawkesbury schools and early learning services a package of support comprising four primary elements:
• Contact Liaison Officers
• trauma training
• recovery planning
• support service mapping.
Contact Liaison Officers work with schools and early learning services to support the development of a recovery plan. An individually tailored recovery plan maps out and identifies short, medium and long-term activities to support recovery and promote resilience in each learning community. This Program allows for up to 18 months of support, but many plans will extend well beyond this period to allow for long-term recovery in communities.
The Bushfire Response Program is led by Beyond Blue in partnership with Early Childhood Australia, headspace and Emerging Minds. The Program is a part of Be You, Australia’s national mental health in education initiative funded by the Australian Government.
To find out more or register, visit or email Contact Liaison Officer Paola Mercado via email or call on 0497 900 087.