The following grants will be closing on 15 December:
$10,000 Small Business Grant - Click HERE
If your small business has experienced a significant decline in revenue as a result of the NSW 2019-2020 bushfires (beginning in August 2019), and it's located within a specified Local Government Area (LGA), you may be eligible for the $10,000 small business support grant.
Bushfire Recovery Grant for up to $50,000 - Click HERE
If you're a small business or non-profit organisation, and you've suffered direct damage to your premises or equipment as a result of the NSW 2019–2020 bushfire event (beginning in August 2019), you may be eligible for a bushfire recovery grant. The bushfire recovery grant of up to $50,000 is to help pay for costs associated with the clean-up and reinstatement of a small business or non-profit organisation’s operations.
$75,000 Primary Producer Grant - Click HERE
The Special Disaster Grant - Bushfires is designed to help primary producers pay for immediate clean-up and repairs to infrastructure.
Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network | Community Wellbeing Grants - currently no closing day on this grant for more information
Individuals directly impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires within the Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury and Lithgow areas can apply for up to $1,000 to conduct a community activity in their area that meets the Grant Objectives. Activities should aim to help support the mental health, wellbeing, resilience and recovery of bushfire affected communities.
Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network | Bushfire Psychological Therapy Services:
Were you affected by the 2019/20 bushfires? Do you feel restless, irritable or tense and you're not sure why? Are you having trouble falling or staying asleep? You may benefit from talking to someone who can help. Up to 10 free sessions with a professional are available. Talk to your GP or visit
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