NSW Government Recovery Funding
Bushfire-impacted dairy farmers, fruit growers and forestry businesses have up until Tuesday, 16 June 2020 to apply for Recovery Funding from the NSW Government.
The Recovery Funding includes ‘supply chain support’ grants that are available for activities such as:
👉clean up of damaged orchard equipment or replacing trees, trellises and netting
👉repair of vineyards directly damaged by bushfire, including site clean-up
👉beekeepers purchasing pollen, pollen substitutes or sugar to feed their hives
👉purchasing oyster spat to replace oysters killed due to ash or fireground run-off
👉re-establishing dairy pastures, herd rebuilding and buying or replacing lost fodder
👉haulage and storage of burnt forestry timber
For more details about the above grants, visit www.nsw.gov.au/bushfire-industry-recovery-package