Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation
Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments
Amendment (Bushfire Relief) Regulation 2020
The NSW Government continues to deliver bushfire recovery assistance to help people and businesses
in NSW impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires.
The new Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Amendment (Bushfire Relief)
Regulation 2020 allows for a person liable to pay the long service levy under the Building and
Construction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 to apply for an Exemption or Partial Exemption
of up to $3,500 (cost of works up to $1,000,000 incl GST). The Exemption applies to the replacement
or repair of buildings that were destroyed or damaged as a result of NSW bushfires, during the period
1 July 2019 and 2 March 2020, other than the erection of a building by or on behalf of the Crown.
Applications for Exemption are to be received directly by the Corporation in writing before 2 March
2023. On acceptance of the application, the Corporation will verify the details with the relevant LGA
and provide a certificate to the applicant confirming if the conditions of the Exemption have been met
and the value of the Exemption or Partial Exemption granted. Where a partial Exemption is granted,
any balance of levy payable must be received by the Corporation, and receipt issued, to show the full
levy liability has been satisfied in accordance with the Act.
Please find attached a copy of the Exemption Application form which is also available online via
The completed application should be forwarded to levy@longservice.nsw.gov.au
Please also be advised that where a customer has already paid the levy which would otherwise have
satisfied the conditions of this Exemption, by completing the above form, once approved, a refund
may be forthcoming.
For further advice, please contact the Corporation Helpline 13 14 41.
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