Community Grants and Support

Are you thinking about applying for funding or a Community Grant?
Are you thinking of holding an Event, or Community Activity in the Hawkesbury?
Residents and Organisations can apply for funding from Hawkesbury City Council by applying for Council's Community Sponsorship Program and Event Sponsorship Programs. Further details are below.
There are also a range of Video resources available to assist you to write a successful grant application. Information is also available to help with governance and administration of the grant or funding once you are successful. Click on the list on the right hand side of the page to watch theses videos.
These and a range of other informative videos are available on Council's You Tube page
Hawkesbury City Council Sponsorship Opportunities
Hawkesbury City Council Community Sponsorship
Grant amount: From $150 to $3,000
Who can apply: Hawkesbury based community organisations or individuals
Application dates: 2024/2025 Round 2 will open on 1st March 2025 and close on 31st March 2025.
About the grant: The Community Sponsorship Program enables Council to work in partnership with our community to build a vibrant, connected, and liveable Hawkesbury. Council’s Community Sponsorship Program provides financial assistance to support Hawkesbury based community organisations or individuals wanting to undertake activities that address key strategies and directions within Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
There are three categories within the Community Sponsorship Program:
Resilient Hawkesbury: Council may provide funding to community programs that help to build a connected, healthy, inclusive and resilient Hawkesbury. Maximum funding of $3000.
Participation: Financial assistance may be provided to support the participation of residents who have been selected to represent the Hawkesbury in State, National, or International sporting competitions and cultural events. The level of contribution is $150 for individuals and $750 for a team of five or more.
Access to Community Facilities: Not for Profit Community Groups located in the Hawkesbury or providing services to the Hawkesbury, can apply for financial assistance for subsidy of 50% of the cost of hiring a Council or Community Facility up to a maximum contribution of $750.
For more information, visit the Community Sponsorship Program on Council's website.
Hawkesbury City Council Event Sponsorship
Who can apply: Commercial and Community based organisations with differing criteria matrix's for groups in the Commercial and Community organisations.
Application dates:
2024/2025 Round 2 will open early 2025.
Two rounds of Event Sponsorship Applications will be open to event applicants each year. Event Applications can be submitted any time during the year but an assessment of your event will not be made until after the closure of Event Sponsorship Round.
About the grant: Hawkesbury City Council is committed to supporting the community to host public events to ensure they are safe, successful and well-run. Events in the Hawkesbury create the opportunity to build:
- Community – involvement and participation
- Capacity – the ability to self organise and develop resilience in the community
- Connections – social cohesion across communities and local businesses
Council is looking to assist events that highlight
- Hawkesbury’s heritage,
- Celebrate our river,
- Enhance our town centres,
- Assist towns and villages to become local hubs,
- Create cultural experiences,
- Promote and assist tourism and
- That create community and business connections.
For more information visit the Event Sponsorship page on Council's website.
How to locate Grant Funding and find Grants ?
Below are some good options to keep across for available funding options for your Community group or Organisation.
NSW Government Grants and Funding
Find a NSW Government initiative, grant or funding program to help support your business, your project or your community.
Create NSW: Funding and Support
For all NSW Government funded arts and culture grants.
GrantConnect provides centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities and grants awarded.
FRRR: Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal
A not-for-profit organisation, we connect common purposes and funding from government, business and philanthropy with the genuine local needs of rural people and places.
Community Connective - Funding Opportunities -
Sign up to the following newsletters to stay connected with grant opportunities
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We specialise in community e-Newsletters for not-for-profits, local government, social enterprises and for-purpose businesses. Grant opportunities from the public and private sector are listed on the page. Click on the subscribe button to receive email updates fortnightly.
For more information, please contact our Community Planning and Partnerships Team by phoning (02) 4560 4444 or email