Colo Heights Community Projects - Community Survey
The upgrade of the Colo Heights Community Precinct has been identified by the community and Council as a priority site where works are required. The site is used widely by the local community, school and the Rural Fire Service.
In 2018 Council spoke to the Hall Committee and the Progress Association about the priority projects they would like to see at the site in the future.
It is now important for Council to confirm that the works identified as priority projects are what you would like to see in your community, particularly in light of the recent bushfires and floods that impacted so significantly on Colo Heights and the surrounding areas.
The original budget for the works was $138 000 with some additional funds available in the 2020/2021 budget and also as part of bushfire recovery.
Council will focus on delivering as many priority projects within the budget that we can so it is important for you to identify what your top priorities are. The priority projects are for a:
- Tennis shelter
- Shade awning
- Oval improvements and water supply
We want to hear from the Colo Heights Community, please fill out the Community Survey below so we know what your priority projects are.
We are also doing some general maintenance and upgrading works at the Colo Heights Hall. We will be installing an outdoor craft sink, new guttering connected to the rainwater tanks and LED lights and some other general repairs once we start work at the site.
Survey closes Tuesday, 12 May 2020.