Gifts and Benefits Policy - DRAFT
Consultation has concluded

On 14 December 2018, a new Model Code of Conduct was prescribed for all councils in NSW. All councils are required to adopt a new Code of Conduct based on the Model Code within six months of that date. Hawkesbury Council’s new Code of Conduct was adopted on 12 March 2019, including a resolution for other relevant policies and procedures to be updated.
The requirements governing the disclosure and acceptance of gifts and benefits were one of the major areas of focus for the Office of Local Government when developing the new Model Code of Conduct, and there have been a number of significant changes in this area, requiring Council to revise its Gifts and Benefits Policy.
At its meeting on 14 May 2019, Council resolved to place an amended Gifts and Benefits Policy on public exhibition and seek submissions for any amendments to the Draft Gifts and Benefits Policy.
In accordance with that decision, Council’s Draft Gifts and Benefits Policy is placed on public exhibition until Friday, 5 July 2019 and may be viewed on Council’s website at or at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street, Windsor. For further information, please contact Council’s Manager Corporate Services and Governance on (02) 4560 4444 or attention email enquiries accordingly to
If you would like to make a submission, Council will receive these, in writing, addressed to the General Manager, Hawkesbury City Council, PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756, by fax to (02) 4587 7740, by email to or via the online submission form below up to close of business on Friday, 5 July 2019. Council will consider all submissions received at a subsequent Council Meeting.
Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary but, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.