Investing in Your Future
Please help Council make some important decisions about the future of the Hawkesbury.
Hawkesbury residents have consistently told Council that assets such as roads, public spaces, parks and footpaths are important to them, and that Council needs to improve their condition. In addition to this, the State Government introduced its Fit for the Future Reform in 2014, which required all NSW councils to assess their current position and submit a proposal demonstrating how they will continue to be financially sustainable into the future.
Council currently spends approximately $21.8 million on the maintenance and renewal of local assets and infrastructure each year, however, Council should be investing an additional $5.1 million per year to keep assets safe and functional.
In preparing its submission on how to achieve long term financial sustainability, Council identified that despite its best efforts, the funding available is not enough to keep community assets in an acceptable condition.
There is no easy solution to addressing this funding gap. On your behalf, if Council does not address this gap now, the community assets that Council manages will deteriorate and in the future become unusable. A proposed Special Rate Variation will be necessary to maintain and manage current assets to ensure that Council delivers services in line with community expectations and remains financially sustainable into the future.
We need to know if you wish your City’s assets and services to Improve, Stabilise or Deteriorate, and to consider three options including a proposed Special Rate Variation.
In the Document Library on this page you can read the Investing in Your Future information document which will tell you what this means for your household including what actions Council has taken to date, details of the Special Rate Variation options, and other information.
Please consider attending one of the town meetings or information kiosks in your area, the dates and locations are listed on this page.
An online survey will be available on this site in mid July 2017. Council would like you to complete the survey once you have received your Investing in Your Future information document with your rates notice in mid July.
Consultation will continue throughout July 2017, closing on 13 August 2017.
So get involved and have your say! Visit