Listening to our community
Take the opportunity to become involved in the Listening to our community Your Services - Your Say online consultation. We want your views on our service levels in a range of areas including: roads and drainage; footpaths and cycleways; parks and public spaces; community buildings and amenities and cultural facilities.
This consultation is the next step in Council’s Fit for the Future journey. From 22 July 2016 until 20 August 2016, the community consultation program will also include a series of public town meetings and ‘Listening Kiosks’ throughout the Hawkesbury.
A phone survey has also been commissioned to gauge residents’ satisfaction with a range of Council services, to understand which services are the most important to them, and what level of investment they feel should be devoted to them.
Feedback from this community consultation will help us to better understand the community’s service needs, which in turn will assist us to formulate resourcing options to fund Council’s infrastructure renewal and maintenance shortfall while also meeting community expectations.
Outcomes from the community consultation will also be used in the review of the Community Strategic Plan and will help to ensure that Council is aligned with and working together with the community to build a successful future for the Hawkesbury.