Public Exhibition of Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Contributions Plan

Council at its meeting held on 08 May 2018 resolved to publicly exhibit the Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 Contributions Plan in accordance with section 26(4) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
This Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Contributions Plan relates to the first stage of the Vineyard Precinct development. The expected development in this area includes 2,500 new residential dwellings and 5,500 square meters of land for retail purposes.
Infrastructure will need to be provided to support development in the Precinct, including Local Infrastructure that is traditionally the responsibility of the local council (in this case, Hawkesbury City Council). The infrastructure includes roads, storm-water drainage facilities, open space and recreation facilities and community infrastructure.
The Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Contributions Plan is a policy to guide and collect contributions to provide local infrastructure for the new Vineyard Precinct.
The Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Contributions Plan is on exhibition between 18 May 2018 to 18 June 2018 inclusive.
Background documents can be found on the NSW Government Planning & Environment website via this link
For full details or to lodge a submission follow this link to the project page