Public Exhibition - Peel Park Masterplan and Redbank Precinct Community Land Plan of Management

The draft Peel Park Masterplan and the amended Redbank Precinct Community Land Plan of Management is now available for public comment.
The Peel Park Masterplan will guide the future development of Peel Park. The design balances the many conflicting requests from the community whilst minimising potential impacts on neighbouring properties and park users as well as meeting the requirements of the Voluntary Planning Agreement that Council has with the developer of Redbank.
Peel Park has been designed to equally provide for passive and active recreation. The design considers the existing and future recreation needs of the community and contains flexible spaces that can adapt to changing needs. Key elements include: informal recreation and play areas; sporting areas; parking; pedestrian access and pathways; dog off-leash area and retention and management of natural areas.
The Redbank Precinct Community Land Plan of Management has been updated to include reference to Peel Park and addresses/resolves management issues/concerns relating to Peel Park that have been brought up by the community during the consultation process.
Relevant plans for review can be viewed via this link
You can also have your say by any of the following methods:
Mail: PO Box 146, Windsor NSW 2756
Online: by completing an online submission via this link
The last day for the receipt of submissions is Thursday, 18 October 2018.