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Please contact services directly to confirm their session times and opening hours.
Hawkesbury Community Kitchen - Provides drop-in support & referral, material aid in the form of shower & laundry facilities and free community meals. (02) 4577 5203
Strong Nation Community Services - Emergency hampers available at the Church Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. Emergency Relief assistance with EAPPA/vouchers require an appointment. (02) 4587 8091
Hawkesbury City Salvation Army - Affordable hampers, free fruit, vegetable and bakery program. Referrals for financial support. 8775 7988
St Vincent De Paul (Windsor and Penrith) - Assistance with bills (utility), food parcels and material aid (limits apply), support in applying for No Interest Loans Scheme (02) 8861 9770
Platform Youth Services - Help with food packages, computers/phones/internet, laundry facilities, advice and more. (02) 4760 0800
Christ Mission Possible - Free community meals throughout the Penrith area. (02) 4704 8809
Penrith Community Kitchen - Provides no cost meals (02) 4721 4444
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre - Can offer support through services such as utility assistance and food vouchers. (02) 4574 4050
The Living Room - Meal service - cakes, coffee and hearty salads with protein. Soup over winter period. Also meal bags and food hampers 0412 261 651
Anglicare (Penrith) - Community Pantry, Food and Financial Assistance 1300 111 278
Mountain of Joy - Serving individuals and families from the communities of Mt Tomah, Berambing, Bilpin, Mountain Lagoon and Kurrajong Heights. Contact through Facebook messaging for assistance.
Please see the Facebook Page at to check opening and availability.
Housing Assistance
Link2home - A statewide telephone service providing information, assessment and referral to specialist homelessness services, temporary accommodation and other appropriate services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 1800 152 152
Link Wentworth Housing - Provides homelessness support and housing assistance services. (02) 4777 8000
Platform Youth Services - 12 - 24 years - Provides emergency and transitional accommodation as well as tenancy support for youth. (02) 4760 0800
The Right Door - Targets families with accompanying children, including young parents who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4724 3000 or 1800 760 071
Department of Communities and Justice - Housing Contact Centre - provides a range of housing solutions for both the private rental market and Public Housing, Community Housing and Aboriginal Housing. 1800 422 322
San Miguel (yourtown) - Accommodation for young parents (aged up to 25) and their children. (02) 4579 6622
LIink2Home - Veterans and Ex-Service - 1800 326 989
Nureen Hawkesbury Women's Accommodation &Support Services Housing and support services for women and children in the Hawkesbury escaping domestic violence or homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4574 8905
Drug and Alcohol Services
WHOS Drug and Alcohol Support Service - Non residential and Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation - Free Service for people living or working in the Hawkesbury inc FREE breakfast and lunch each day.
Day Session - 2 Forbes Street, Windsor Phone 4509 9110. email
Alcohol and Drug Information Service- Telephone advice, support, information and referral. 1800 422 599
Nepean Hospital Withdrawal and Detox unit- Self or service referral accepted. (02) 4734 2129
Drug and Alcohol Service Nepean Counselling- Free service for drug and alcohol counselling (waiting lists may apply). 1300 661 050
Hawkesbury Community Health Centre- Drug and Alcohol Counselling. Free service for drug and alcohol counselling (waiting lists may apply). (02) 4560 5714
Headspace Drug and Alcohol Service-located at Penrith, provides free drug and alcohol counselling. (02) 4720 8800
Odyssey House Addiction Counselling- no fee drug and alcohol counselling, located in Blacktown. 9622 7511
Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Merana Aboriginal Community Association for the Hawkesbury Inc - services, programs, cultural activities, special events and advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. (02) 4588 5144
Hawkesbury Community Health - Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer - Aboriginal Health Support (02) 4560 5714
First Nations Womens Legal Contact Line - Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, parental issues, family law, discrimination, victims support. (02) 8745 6977 or 1800 639 784
Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Corporation - provides culturally safe alcohol, other drug and non-acute mental health counselling, referral and advocacy services to members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of western Sydney, and also to other people in need of assistance. (02) 9628 3031
Greater Western Aboriginal Health Service - service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Western Sydney, Nepean and Blue Mountains regions. Services include GP's, health checks, chronic disease programs, men's health, drug and alcohol and mental health and child and family services. (02) 4729 7300
Muru Mittigar - Dharug Aboriginal Social Enterprise in Western Sydney. We offer employment, education, and training to our local Indigenous community. And our services include Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Programs, Community Assistance, Financial Services, and services such as Arboriculture, Bush Regeneration, Landscaping and a Providence Native Nursery.
Community Services
Hawkesbury Community Outreach Service(HCOS) - Community Development, Child, Youth & Family Service, Mobile Pre-School, Playgroup, OSHC and Mobile Minders. (02) 4573 1166
Peppercorn Services Inc - Providing family support, community aged care, transport, dietetics, flood recovery, NDIS and volunteer assistance across the Hawkesbury and surrounding LGAs. (02) 4587 0222
Bligh Park Community Services - operates a wide variety of community services, free activities, and facilities to benefit all members of our local community at Bligh Park and South Windsor eg. advocacy, referrals, computer assistance, emergency relief and food distribution. (02) 4572 5898
North Richmond Community Centre - Offers activities and programs for families with young children, Out of School Hours Care, programs for young people 12-18, Events and learning opportunities for the community, time out and peer support group for mums and Community spaces. (02) 4571 1909
Richmond Community Services Inc - provides support through free psychoeducational groups/workshops, Family Support and counselling for families with children aged 0 - 18 years, Neighbour Aid, general information, advice, advocacy. We also have drop in services such as financial counselling, gambling counselling, relationship support, tax help and lots more. (02) 4588 3502
Glossodia Community Centre - is a place for the local community to find services available for children, youth, mums and dads and the general community. (02) 4576 5542
Strong Nation Community Services Inc - Community Foodcare, Emergency Relief, Chaplaincy, Specialist Homelessness Services, Early Year Family Support. (02) 4587 8091
Legal Support and Aid
Western Sydney Community Legal Centre - Free legal and social support services to people in need facing hardship or barriers in dealing with legal or other issues.
02 8833 0945 email -
Legal Aid - Legal Aid NSW helps people with their legal problems. Our legal services include legal advice, help at court and family dispute resolution. We can help in most areas of criminal law, family law and civil law. 1300 888 529
Financial Rights Legal Centre - Offers advice and advocacy for consumers in financial stress. Check out their Detailed Bushfire Insurance guide. Contact them here
Domestic Violence Legal Service - a specialist legal service for women experiencing domestic and family violence in New South Wales. Its main objective is to inform women who have experienced violence about their legal rights and to help women obtain access to justice. (02) 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Support
Further Mental Health services are listed here
Beyond Blue - 24/7 - Talk to a trained mental health professional any time of the day or night. Calls are confidential. They will listen, provide information and advice and point you in the right direction to seek further support. 1300 22 4636
Lifeline - 24/7 - crisis support telephone service. Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. 131 114
Mental Health Line - A mental health professional will answer your call about mental health concerns for you or someone you are concerned about, including children, teens, adults and older people. 1800 011 511
Kids Helpline - A telephone counselling support line for children and young people ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1800 551 800
Hawkesbury Headspace - Headspace is a free service that provides early intervention support to young people aged 12-25 years and their family and friends. Support is delivered across mental health, physical health, work and study and alcohol and other drug needs. The headspace centre is located at 120 Francis Street, Richmond is open 9:00am – 5:00pm weekdays, except public holidays. The service will also provide permanent outreach twice a week in Windsor at the Old Hawkesbury Hospital, 6 Christie Street, Mondays and Fridays from 9:00am – 5:00pm (except public holidays).
1800 517 171.
Medicare Mental Health
When it comes to managing or improving your mental health, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to go.
Medicare Mental Health Centres and Kids Hubs can connect you with a range of mental health professionals for support, whatever your situation. Find a location near you, or make a free call to the national phone service on 1800 595 212 (weekdays 8:30am-5:00pm, excl. public holidays).
You can also browse a range of resources and services on this website to support yourself or someone you care for.Find support Call 1800 595 212
Children and Family Services
Peppercorn LINCS Family Support - Assists with: support and friendship, ‘time-out’ for a coffee by yourself, playtime with children, help with the baby/babies, visits to the park, assistance at doctor appointments, accessing community services and activities, LINCS family support fills the gap when family and friends are not available. (02) 4577 9804
Peppercorn Intensive Family Support - Peppercorn’s family workers will help you identify and achieve your family goals. Their workers will help you understand how your child is developing, and develop behaviour management strategies. provide up-to-date parenting information and connect you with local services and community supports. (02) 4577 9804
Family Support Richmond Community Services Inc - This service supports families with children aged 0—18 years under stress or in crisis with dependent children who are living in the Hawkesbury. Home visits or centre-based sessions provide information and referral, counselling and support to families. (02) 4588 3502
ForWhen - Mental health support for expecting and new parents. They connect parents that are struggling to navigate the complex waters of pregnancy and new parenthood to the critical mental health services you might need most. 1300 24 23 22
HCOS - Community Development, Child, Youth & Family Service, Mobile Pre-School, Playgroup, OSHC and Mobile Minders. (02) 4573 1166
Strong Nation Community- Early Years Family Support for 0 to 3 years. 4587 8091 or 0434 312 196
Parent Line NSW- Free telephone counselling and support for parents/carers with children aged 0 to 18 years who live in NSW. 1300 130 052
Connect Child and Family Services- Transition to School Program. Offers supported playgroups facilitated by an early childhood teacher and run in primary schools during terms 3 and 4. 0423 720 492 or 0490 049 950
Youth Services
North Richmond Youth Project: NRGY Youth Centre has various programs for young people from 12 to 18 years of age. Our programs encourage creativity and leadership, along with teaching young people valuable life skills, all while having fun! All programs are facilitated by qualified Youth Workers. 33 William Street (PO Box 34) North Richmond NSW 2574 Youth Centre: NRGY Youth Hall 4571 3659 Mob: 0481 3676 77
Bligh Park Youth Services: Tiningi Youth Centre - Bligh Park Youth Services provide a variety of in school and outside school programs. These activities are targeted at local school students Year 5 and above. Activities vary with the seasons and with school term dates. 4 Sirius Road, Bligh Park NSW 2756 02 4578 5898
Glossodia Youth Group: Glossodia Youth Group is a place where young people from Grade 5 and to Grade 12 can hang out, Youth Group is for children in Year 5 or 6 at school. Activities include music, games, arts & crafts, afternoon tea and much more!!! Tuesday afternoon during school terms from 3:30pm to 5:00pm Location: Glossodia Community Centre Cost: Entry Free Application Form: Please complete this form
Enquiries: Please contact 02 4576 5542
PCYC Hawkesbury - PCYC NSW is a not-for-profit organisation delivering a broad range of youth and community activities and support. PCYC offers a range of sports and recreational facilities and activities including Sport Competitions, School Holiday Programs, Court & Venue Hire, Casual Basketball, and a brand new Gym & Fitness facility. In partnership with the NSW Police, PCYC offers a safe environment for our members to participate in our wide range of activities and community programs
Contact 02 4505 5070
Platform Youth Services: Provides support for homeless young people 12-25 years of age. Food, laundry, transitional housing, medium term housing 12-24years old, male/female, couples, young family. Contact 02 4751 3105
Domestic Violence Support
The Womens Cottage - a community-based crisis support and resource centre, run by women, for women (and their children) who live, work or study in the Hawkesbury region. We specialise in supporting women experiencing domestic violence, isolation, financial distress, parenting distress and other forms of emotional distress or trauma. Our services are for all women with and without children. (02) 4578 4190
1800RESPECT - This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. 1800 737 732
DV West - provide supported crisis accommodation, transitional housing, an After-Hours service and outreach support for women and children in the Nepean, Blue Mountains, Blacktown/Hills, and Hawkesbury districts. (02) 4732 2318
Domestic Violence Legal Service- a specialist legal service for women experiencing domestic and family violence in New South Wales. Its main objective is to inform women who have experienced violence about their legal rights and to help women obtain access to justice. (02) 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784
Nureen Women's Domestic Violence Accommodation and Support Service- Housing and support services for women and children in the Hawkesbury escaping domestic violence or homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4574 8905
NSW Domestic Violence Line- provides counselling and referrals to women experiencing domestic and family violence. 1800 656 463
NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline- The ADC has been established to prevent and better protect older people and adults with disability from abuse, neglect and exploitation 1800 628 221
NSW Victims Access Line- Single entry point for victims of crime to access services. 1800 633 063
1800 RESPECT- National sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling for anyone in Australia who has experienced or is at risk of family and domestic violence and sexual assault. 1800 737 732
Financial Counselling & Support
Insurance Law Service - is a community legal centre specialising in financial services, particularly in the areas of consumer credit, banking, debt recovery and insurance. National Debt Helpline - 1800 007 007
Financial Counselling Services - CatholicCare - provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling to anyone having difficulties managing money. The Financial Counsellors can help you prepare a budget or money plan, manage your debts, set realistic financial goals, understand your rights, and if needed negotiate with creditors. 1800 324 924
Financial counselling - Wesley Mission - Wesley Financial Counselling services provide free, independent and confidential counselling to assist people experiencing financial difficulty. Counsellors work with clients to help them manage and break the cycle of debt and take control of their finances. 1300 827 638
Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW-Northern Region- supports eligible farmers, fishers, forest growers, harvesters and small related rural businesses who are suffering financial hardship, and who have no alternative sources of impartial support, to manage and adjust to the challenge of industry and climate variability. 1800 344 090
Recovery Services
The latest Flood Recovery Information is available here
Peppercorn Recovery Support Service - Peppercorn RSS provide a range of Flood Recovery Support services including information, emotional support, support to coordinate services and assistance to connect with other services. (02) 4587 0225 or (02) 4587 0222
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Disaster Recovery - Providing practical and financial assistance (includes vouchers, assistance with utilities and No Interest Loans). (02) 4754 4050
Salvos National Recovery Services - Assistance with spiritual, practical needs and goods. Phone: 1300 662 217. Money Care Financial advisors are able to support you if you are struggling financially. This link will allow you to find that support. If you need immediate emergency relief, please call the Salvos Assessment Line (SAL) on 1300 371 288
Department of Primary Industries (DPI) - DPI Recovery Support for Primary Producers: 0438 080 459. Single point of contact for Hawkesbury primary producers and rural land holders, providing grant information and guidance, as well as referrals to support you on your recovery journey.
Catholic Care Social Services - Providing community-based services and emergency support. (02) 8843 2545
Hawkesbury Landcare Network - Providing support to affected properties including advice on post-disaster land management and conservation. Katherine 0410616139
NSW Health Bushfire and COVID 19 Trauma Recovery Team - Supporting your emotional wellbeing. Ian McLauglin 0428 481 412
Rural Mental Health Coordinator NBMLHD RAMHP - Information, support and referral for mental health and wellbeing. Sonia 0448 125 676
Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network - Psychological Therapy Services: Up to 10 free sessions with a professional are available for people affected by disasters. Talk to your GP or visit
Local Land Services Grants and Funding - Funding is available to landholders, local government and other groups to carry out projects that align with the Greater Sydney Local Strategic Plan and funder priorities. (02) 4724 2100.
NSW Government Grants & Subsidies - The NSW Rural Assistance Authority (the RAA) administers financial assistance programs including transport subsidies for natural disasters to primary producers on behalf of both the NSW and Australian Governments.
NSW Government Disaster Relief and Support - If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, you may be eligible for Disaster relief assistance and support from the NSW Government.
National Recovery and Resilience Agency - find recovery support and services near you.
Rural Aid Financial Assistance Farmer Registration - Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities suffering the effects of drought, flood, fire or natural disaster.
Services Australia - view top payments and financial support available through Services Australia.
Hawkesbury Community Hubs- Hubs provide access to community and other recovery services and support. (02) 4560 4444
Hawkesbury Council Community Recovery- Providing Community recovery and preparedness support. 0437 144 475
Salvos National Recovery Services- Assistance with practical needs and goods plus spiritual support. 1300 662 217
Australian Red Cross Community Recovery- Public information and Inquiry Centre (PINC) in NSW to provide accurate information to the public and to also answer inquire about the flood events which have impacted on the community. 1800 227 228
Disaster Response Legal Aid Service- Legal Aid NSW provides free legal advice and can help with legal problems such as insurance claims and disputes, financial hardship, tenancy, government grants eligibility, Centrelink and everyday legal problems. 1800 801 529
Business Support
COSBOA Small Business Advocacy - advocacy on small business issues ranging from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy. 0493 364 720
Hawkesbury City Council Hawkesbury Business Hub - is here to support our business community, find out about upcoming events, opportunities and business related information.
BizRebuild - is a business-led initiative, developed by the Business Council of Australia, to provide practical and on the ground assistance to small and local businesses left devastated by the bushfires and floods. Contact them here
NSW Government Business Connect - Get independent business advice, practical insights and business skills training on a range of topics for your small business. 13 77 88
Service NSW - Business Connect
Book a time with Service NSW Business Connect Advisor.
Graham Fitzpatrick has a strong background in sales, business administration and management, marketing, business strategy, customer services and staff training, and having held multiple senior management roles through his career. Graham has track record of driving business performance and delivering consistent increased revenue. Since joining Western Sydney Business Centre, Graham has supported hundreds of small businesses in the point-to-point and hire car industry so sustain through rival competition. In addition to his small business and consulting experience, Graham holds a Diploma in Business and a Certificate IV in Business. Graham is an Accredited Mental Health First Aider.
Business Chaplain – Offering support to business owners by helping them work through issues by being present to listen, support, encourage, assist, and care, empowering business people to seek and develop their own plans of action towards addressing their circumstances in recovery. Rob McMaster 0408 209 356.
Disability Services
Just Better Care- Delivers tailored aged care and disability support in the Hawkesbury/Nepean region. (02) 4579 7137
DARE Disability Support- Registered NDIS provider, co-ordination of supports, NDIS plans, supported independent living, supported employment, social and recreational activities. (02) 4751 5266
Ability Options- Registered NDIS provider, NDIS options, employment and support options. (02) 4560 2100
AFFORD- Australian Foundation for Disability- Registered NDIS Provider, supported accommodation, day programs, short term accommodation, allied health, support coordination, employment, social groups and getaways. 1300 616 382
North West Disability Services- Opal Cottage and The Secret Garden- Community participation, social activities and horticultural therapy. 9686 4155 (Opal Cottage) and (02) 4578 7885 (The Secret Garden)
Nova Employment- Focus on Ability- Nova works exclusively with people who have a variety of disabilities or significant barriers to work. (02) 4571 6600
Uniting NDIS Local Area Coordination Windsor- Supports people aged 7-65 who have NDIS plans and who are eligible for this scheme. Also supports people aged 7- 65 years who have a disability who are not eligible by connecting them to local; services and supports. (02) 4545 3500
Bridges Disability Services- Registered NDIS provider, Centre based day programs, individual support, in house respite. After school program. School holiday program. Adult social programs. Camps, cruises. 1800 964 924
NSW Companion Card – is a program for people with significant and permanent disability who need a high level of care in the community. The Companion Card allows a cardholder's support person free entry into participating venues and events. 1800 893 044
Australian Red Cross - Telecross provides peace of mind and independence. A phone call each day to check you are OK. Telecross - / A volunteer will call you or you're loved one and check that you are well and also check in and provide a friendly voice, every day if needed.
Aged Care Services and Seniors Social and Wellbeing Services
Peppercorn Seniors Community Care- Seniors meal program. Community visitors scheme, lawn and garden maintenance, shopping shuttle buses, medical transport, community access and community transport. (02) 4504 7055.
Just Better Care Hawkesbury and Nepean Aged Care Services- Offers in the home social and lifestyle support services. (02) 4579 7137
Anglicare Social and Wellness Centre Aged Care Richmond- Offers planned activities in the Centre and out and about. 1300 111 278
My Health Connector services directory - My Health Connector - Directory of Social Supports, Wellbeing Services, Groups and Activities. The Directory is FREE and can help to connect older adults with local lifestyle groups and activities. For information contact PHN Wellbeing Connector Dana Stewart 0440 104 157
Australian Red Cross - Telecross provides peace of mind and independence. A phone call each day to check you are OK. Telecross - / A volunteer will call you or you're loved one and check that you are well and and also check in and provide a friendly voice, every day if needed.
Local Churches with Community Supports Available
Strong Nation Church - (02) 4577 6555
Kurrajong Baptist Church - (02) 4573 1886
Windsor District Baptist Church - (02) 4572 6952
Hawkesbury Valley Baptist Church - (02) 4571 4963
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Please contact services directly to confirm their session times and opening hours.
Hawkesbury Community Kitchen - Provides drop-in support & referral, material aid in the form of shower & laundry facilities and free community meals. (02) 4577 5203
Strong Nation Community Services - Emergency hampers available at the Church Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. Emergency Relief assistance with EAPPA/vouchers require an appointment. (02) 4587 8091
Hawkesbury City Salvation Army - Affordable hampers, free fruit, vegetable and bakery program. Referrals for financial support. 8775 7988
St Vincent De Paul (Windsor and Penrith) - Assistance with bills (utility), food parcels and material aid (limits apply), support in applying for No Interest Loans Scheme (02) 8861 9770
Platform Youth Services - Help with food packages, computers/phones/internet, laundry facilities, advice and more. (02) 4760 0800
Christ Mission Possible - Free community meals throughout the Penrith area. (02) 4704 8809
Penrith Community Kitchen - Provides no cost meals (02) 4721 4444
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre - Can offer support through services such as utility assistance and food vouchers. (02) 4574 4050
The Living Room - Meal service - cakes, coffee and hearty salads with protein. Soup over winter period. Also meal bags and food hampers 0412 261 651
Anglicare (Penrith) - Community Pantry, Food and Financial Assistance 1300 111 278
Mountain of Joy - Serving individuals and families from the communities of Mt Tomah, Berambing, Bilpin, Mountain Lagoon and Kurrajong Heights. Contact through Facebook messaging for assistance.
Please see the Facebook Page at to check opening and availability.
Housing Assistance
Link2home - A statewide telephone service providing information, assessment and referral to specialist homelessness services, temporary accommodation and other appropriate services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 1800 152 152
Link Wentworth Housing - Provides homelessness support and housing assistance services. (02) 4777 8000
Platform Youth Services - 12 - 24 years - Provides emergency and transitional accommodation as well as tenancy support for youth. (02) 4760 0800
The Right Door - Targets families with accompanying children, including young parents who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4724 3000 or 1800 760 071
Department of Communities and Justice - Housing Contact Centre - provides a range of housing solutions for both the private rental market and Public Housing, Community Housing and Aboriginal Housing. 1800 422 322
San Miguel (yourtown) - Accommodation for young parents (aged up to 25) and their children. (02) 4579 6622
LIink2Home - Veterans and Ex-Service - 1800 326 989
Nureen Hawkesbury Women's Accommodation &Support Services Housing and support services for women and children in the Hawkesbury escaping domestic violence or homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4574 8905
Drug and Alcohol Services
WHOS Drug and Alcohol Support Service - Non residential and Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation - Free Service for people living or working in the Hawkesbury inc FREE breakfast and lunch each day.
Day Session - 2 Forbes Street, Windsor Phone 4509 9110. email
Alcohol and Drug Information Service- Telephone advice, support, information and referral. 1800 422 599
Nepean Hospital Withdrawal and Detox unit- Self or service referral accepted. (02) 4734 2129
Drug and Alcohol Service Nepean Counselling- Free service for drug and alcohol counselling (waiting lists may apply). 1300 661 050
Hawkesbury Community Health Centre- Drug and Alcohol Counselling. Free service for drug and alcohol counselling (waiting lists may apply). (02) 4560 5714
Headspace Drug and Alcohol Service-located at Penrith, provides free drug and alcohol counselling. (02) 4720 8800
Odyssey House Addiction Counselling- no fee drug and alcohol counselling, located in Blacktown. 9622 7511
Support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Merana Aboriginal Community Association for the Hawkesbury Inc - services, programs, cultural activities, special events and advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. (02) 4588 5144
Hawkesbury Community Health - Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer - Aboriginal Health Support (02) 4560 5714
First Nations Womens Legal Contact Line - Free confidential legal information, advice and referrals for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, parental issues, family law, discrimination, victims support. (02) 8745 6977 or 1800 639 784
Marrin Weejali Aboriginal Corporation - provides culturally safe alcohol, other drug and non-acute mental health counselling, referral and advocacy services to members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of western Sydney, and also to other people in need of assistance. (02) 9628 3031
Greater Western Aboriginal Health Service - service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Western Sydney, Nepean and Blue Mountains regions. Services include GP's, health checks, chronic disease programs, men's health, drug and alcohol and mental health and child and family services. (02) 4729 7300
Muru Mittigar - Dharug Aboriginal Social Enterprise in Western Sydney. We offer employment, education, and training to our local Indigenous community. And our services include Aboriginal Cultural Awareness Programs, Community Assistance, Financial Services, and services such as Arboriculture, Bush Regeneration, Landscaping and a Providence Native Nursery.
Community Services
Hawkesbury Community Outreach Service(HCOS) - Community Development, Child, Youth & Family Service, Mobile Pre-School, Playgroup, OSHC and Mobile Minders. (02) 4573 1166
Peppercorn Services Inc - Providing family support, community aged care, transport, dietetics, flood recovery, NDIS and volunteer assistance across the Hawkesbury and surrounding LGAs. (02) 4587 0222
Bligh Park Community Services - operates a wide variety of community services, free activities, and facilities to benefit all members of our local community at Bligh Park and South Windsor eg. advocacy, referrals, computer assistance, emergency relief and food distribution. (02) 4572 5898
North Richmond Community Centre - Offers activities and programs for families with young children, Out of School Hours Care, programs for young people 12-18, Events and learning opportunities for the community, time out and peer support group for mums and Community spaces. (02) 4571 1909
Richmond Community Services Inc - provides support through free psychoeducational groups/workshops, Family Support and counselling for families with children aged 0 - 18 years, Neighbour Aid, general information, advice, advocacy. We also have drop in services such as financial counselling, gambling counselling, relationship support, tax help and lots more. (02) 4588 3502
Glossodia Community Centre - is a place for the local community to find services available for children, youth, mums and dads and the general community. (02) 4576 5542
Strong Nation Community Services Inc - Community Foodcare, Emergency Relief, Chaplaincy, Specialist Homelessness Services, Early Year Family Support. (02) 4587 8091
Legal Support and Aid
Western Sydney Community Legal Centre - Free legal and social support services to people in need facing hardship or barriers in dealing with legal or other issues.
02 8833 0945 email -
Legal Aid - Legal Aid NSW helps people with their legal problems. Our legal services include legal advice, help at court and family dispute resolution. We can help in most areas of criminal law, family law and civil law. 1300 888 529
Financial Rights Legal Centre - Offers advice and advocacy for consumers in financial stress. Check out their Detailed Bushfire Insurance guide. Contact them here
Domestic Violence Legal Service - a specialist legal service for women experiencing domestic and family violence in New South Wales. Its main objective is to inform women who have experienced violence about their legal rights and to help women obtain access to justice. (02) 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Support
Further Mental Health services are listed here
Beyond Blue - 24/7 - Talk to a trained mental health professional any time of the day or night. Calls are confidential. They will listen, provide information and advice and point you in the right direction to seek further support. 1300 22 4636
Lifeline - 24/7 - crisis support telephone service. Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. 131 114
Mental Health Line - A mental health professional will answer your call about mental health concerns for you or someone you are concerned about, including children, teens, adults and older people. 1800 011 511
Kids Helpline - A telephone counselling support line for children and young people ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 1800 551 800
Hawkesbury Headspace - Headspace is a free service that provides early intervention support to young people aged 12-25 years and their family and friends. Support is delivered across mental health, physical health, work and study and alcohol and other drug needs. The headspace centre is located at 120 Francis Street, Richmond is open 9:00am – 5:00pm weekdays, except public holidays. The service will also provide permanent outreach twice a week in Windsor at the Old Hawkesbury Hospital, 6 Christie Street, Mondays and Fridays from 9:00am – 5:00pm (except public holidays).
1800 517 171.
Medicare Mental Health
When it comes to managing or improving your mental health, it can be difficult to know what to do or where to go.
Medicare Mental Health Centres and Kids Hubs can connect you with a range of mental health professionals for support, whatever your situation. Find a location near you, or make a free call to the national phone service on 1800 595 212 (weekdays 8:30am-5:00pm, excl. public holidays).
You can also browse a range of resources and services on this website to support yourself or someone you care for.Find support Call 1800 595 212
Children and Family Services
Peppercorn LINCS Family Support - Assists with: support and friendship, ‘time-out’ for a coffee by yourself, playtime with children, help with the baby/babies, visits to the park, assistance at doctor appointments, accessing community services and activities, LINCS family support fills the gap when family and friends are not available. (02) 4577 9804
Peppercorn Intensive Family Support - Peppercorn’s family workers will help you identify and achieve your family goals. Their workers will help you understand how your child is developing, and develop behaviour management strategies. provide up-to-date parenting information and connect you with local services and community supports. (02) 4577 9804
Family Support Richmond Community Services Inc - This service supports families with children aged 0—18 years under stress or in crisis with dependent children who are living in the Hawkesbury. Home visits or centre-based sessions provide information and referral, counselling and support to families. (02) 4588 3502
ForWhen - Mental health support for expecting and new parents. They connect parents that are struggling to navigate the complex waters of pregnancy and new parenthood to the critical mental health services you might need most. 1300 24 23 22
HCOS - Community Development, Child, Youth & Family Service, Mobile Pre-School, Playgroup, OSHC and Mobile Minders. (02) 4573 1166
Strong Nation Community- Early Years Family Support for 0 to 3 years. 4587 8091 or 0434 312 196
Parent Line NSW- Free telephone counselling and support for parents/carers with children aged 0 to 18 years who live in NSW. 1300 130 052
Connect Child and Family Services- Transition to School Program. Offers supported playgroups facilitated by an early childhood teacher and run in primary schools during terms 3 and 4. 0423 720 492 or 0490 049 950
Youth Services
North Richmond Youth Project: NRGY Youth Centre has various programs for young people from 12 to 18 years of age. Our programs encourage creativity and leadership, along with teaching young people valuable life skills, all while having fun! All programs are facilitated by qualified Youth Workers. 33 William Street (PO Box 34) North Richmond NSW 2574 Youth Centre: NRGY Youth Hall 4571 3659 Mob: 0481 3676 77
Bligh Park Youth Services: Tiningi Youth Centre - Bligh Park Youth Services provide a variety of in school and outside school programs. These activities are targeted at local school students Year 5 and above. Activities vary with the seasons and with school term dates. 4 Sirius Road, Bligh Park NSW 2756 02 4578 5898
Glossodia Youth Group: Glossodia Youth Group is a place where young people from Grade 5 and to Grade 12 can hang out, Youth Group is for children in Year 5 or 6 at school. Activities include music, games, arts & crafts, afternoon tea and much more!!! Tuesday afternoon during school terms from 3:30pm to 5:00pm Location: Glossodia Community Centre Cost: Entry Free Application Form: Please complete this form
Enquiries: Please contact 02 4576 5542
PCYC Hawkesbury - PCYC NSW is a not-for-profit organisation delivering a broad range of youth and community activities and support. PCYC offers a range of sports and recreational facilities and activities including Sport Competitions, School Holiday Programs, Court & Venue Hire, Casual Basketball, and a brand new Gym & Fitness facility. In partnership with the NSW Police, PCYC offers a safe environment for our members to participate in our wide range of activities and community programs
Contact 02 4505 5070
Platform Youth Services: Provides support for homeless young people 12-25 years of age. Food, laundry, transitional housing, medium term housing 12-24years old, male/female, couples, young family. Contact 02 4751 3105
Domestic Violence Support
The Womens Cottage - a community-based crisis support and resource centre, run by women, for women (and their children) who live, work or study in the Hawkesbury region. We specialise in supporting women experiencing domestic violence, isolation, financial distress, parenting distress and other forms of emotional distress or trauma. Our services are for all women with and without children. (02) 4578 4190
1800RESPECT - This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault. 1800 737 732
DV West - provide supported crisis accommodation, transitional housing, an After-Hours service and outreach support for women and children in the Nepean, Blue Mountains, Blacktown/Hills, and Hawkesbury districts. (02) 4732 2318
Domestic Violence Legal Service- a specialist legal service for women experiencing domestic and family violence in New South Wales. Its main objective is to inform women who have experienced violence about their legal rights and to help women obtain access to justice. (02) 8745 6999 or 1800 810 784
Nureen Women's Domestic Violence Accommodation and Support Service- Housing and support services for women and children in the Hawkesbury escaping domestic violence or homeless or at risk of homelessness. (02) 4574 8905
NSW Domestic Violence Line- provides counselling and referrals to women experiencing domestic and family violence. 1800 656 463
NSW Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline- The ADC has been established to prevent and better protect older people and adults with disability from abuse, neglect and exploitation 1800 628 221
NSW Victims Access Line- Single entry point for victims of crime to access services. 1800 633 063
1800 RESPECT- National sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling for anyone in Australia who has experienced or is at risk of family and domestic violence and sexual assault. 1800 737 732
Financial Counselling & Support
Insurance Law Service - is a community legal centre specialising in financial services, particularly in the areas of consumer credit, banking, debt recovery and insurance. National Debt Helpline - 1800 007 007
Financial Counselling Services - CatholicCare - provides free, independent and confidential financial counselling to anyone having difficulties managing money. The Financial Counsellors can help you prepare a budget or money plan, manage your debts, set realistic financial goals, understand your rights, and if needed negotiate with creditors. 1800 324 924
Financial counselling - Wesley Mission - Wesley Financial Counselling services provide free, independent and confidential counselling to assist people experiencing financial difficulty. Counsellors work with clients to help them manage and break the cycle of debt and take control of their finances. 1300 827 638
Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW-Northern Region- supports eligible farmers, fishers, forest growers, harvesters and small related rural businesses who are suffering financial hardship, and who have no alternative sources of impartial support, to manage and adjust to the challenge of industry and climate variability. 1800 344 090
Recovery Services
The latest Flood Recovery Information is available here
Peppercorn Recovery Support Service - Peppercorn RSS provide a range of Flood Recovery Support services including information, emotional support, support to coordinate services and assistance to connect with other services. (02) 4587 0225 or (02) 4587 0222
Winmalee Neighbourhood Centre Disaster Recovery - Providing practical and financial assistance (includes vouchers, assistance with utilities and No Interest Loans). (02) 4754 4050
Salvos National Recovery Services - Assistance with spiritual, practical needs and goods. Phone: 1300 662 217. Money Care Financial advisors are able to support you if you are struggling financially. This link will allow you to find that support. If you need immediate emergency relief, please call the Salvos Assessment Line (SAL) on 1300 371 288
Department of Primary Industries (DPI) - DPI Recovery Support for Primary Producers: 0438 080 459. Single point of contact for Hawkesbury primary producers and rural land holders, providing grant information and guidance, as well as referrals to support you on your recovery journey.
Catholic Care Social Services - Providing community-based services and emergency support. (02) 8843 2545
Hawkesbury Landcare Network - Providing support to affected properties including advice on post-disaster land management and conservation. Katherine 0410616139
NSW Health Bushfire and COVID 19 Trauma Recovery Team - Supporting your emotional wellbeing. Ian McLauglin 0428 481 412
Rural Mental Health Coordinator NBMLHD RAMHP - Information, support and referral for mental health and wellbeing. Sonia 0448 125 676
Nepean Blue Mountains Primary Health Network - Psychological Therapy Services: Up to 10 free sessions with a professional are available for people affected by disasters. Talk to your GP or visit
Local Land Services Grants and Funding - Funding is available to landholders, local government and other groups to carry out projects that align with the Greater Sydney Local Strategic Plan and funder priorities. (02) 4724 2100.
NSW Government Grants & Subsidies - The NSW Rural Assistance Authority (the RAA) administers financial assistance programs including transport subsidies for natural disasters to primary producers on behalf of both the NSW and Australian Governments.
NSW Government Disaster Relief and Support - If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, you may be eligible for Disaster relief assistance and support from the NSW Government.
National Recovery and Resilience Agency - find recovery support and services near you.
Rural Aid Financial Assistance Farmer Registration - Rural Aid is proud of its support of farmers and rural communities suffering the effects of drought, flood, fire or natural disaster.
Services Australia - view top payments and financial support available through Services Australia.
Hawkesbury Community Hubs- Hubs provide access to community and other recovery services and support. (02) 4560 4444
Hawkesbury Council Community Recovery- Providing Community recovery and preparedness support. 0437 144 475
Salvos National Recovery Services- Assistance with practical needs and goods plus spiritual support. 1300 662 217
Australian Red Cross Community Recovery- Public information and Inquiry Centre (PINC) in NSW to provide accurate information to the public and to also answer inquire about the flood events which have impacted on the community. 1800 227 228
Disaster Response Legal Aid Service- Legal Aid NSW provides free legal advice and can help with legal problems such as insurance claims and disputes, financial hardship, tenancy, government grants eligibility, Centrelink and everyday legal problems. 1800 801 529
Business Support
COSBOA Small Business Advocacy - advocacy on small business issues ranging from taxation and workplace relations, through to competition law and retail tenancy. 0493 364 720
Hawkesbury City Council Hawkesbury Business Hub - is here to support our business community, find out about upcoming events, opportunities and business related information.
BizRebuild - is a business-led initiative, developed by the Business Council of Australia, to provide practical and on the ground assistance to small and local businesses left devastated by the bushfires and floods. Contact them here
NSW Government Business Connect - Get independent business advice, practical insights and business skills training on a range of topics for your small business. 13 77 88
Service NSW - Business Connect
Book a time with Service NSW Business Connect Advisor.
Graham Fitzpatrick has a strong background in sales, business administration and management, marketing, business strategy, customer services and staff training, and having held multiple senior management roles through his career. Graham has track record of driving business performance and delivering consistent increased revenue. Since joining Western Sydney Business Centre, Graham has supported hundreds of small businesses in the point-to-point and hire car industry so sustain through rival competition. In addition to his small business and consulting experience, Graham holds a Diploma in Business and a Certificate IV in Business. Graham is an Accredited Mental Health First Aider.
Business Chaplain – Offering support to business owners by helping them work through issues by being present to listen, support, encourage, assist, and care, empowering business people to seek and develop their own plans of action towards addressing their circumstances in recovery. Rob McMaster 0408 209 356.
Disability Services
Just Better Care- Delivers tailored aged care and disability support in the Hawkesbury/Nepean region. (02) 4579 7137
DARE Disability Support- Registered NDIS provider, co-ordination of supports, NDIS plans, supported independent living, supported employment, social and recreational activities. (02) 4751 5266
Ability Options- Registered NDIS provider, NDIS options, employment and support options. (02) 4560 2100
AFFORD- Australian Foundation for Disability- Registered NDIS Provider, supported accommodation, day programs, short term accommodation, allied health, support coordination, employment, social groups and getaways. 1300 616 382
North West Disability Services- Opal Cottage and The Secret Garden- Community participation, social activities and horticultural therapy. 9686 4155 (Opal Cottage) and (02) 4578 7885 (The Secret Garden)
Nova Employment- Focus on Ability- Nova works exclusively with people who have a variety of disabilities or significant barriers to work. (02) 4571 6600
Uniting NDIS Local Area Coordination Windsor- Supports people aged 7-65 who have NDIS plans and who are eligible for this scheme. Also supports people aged 7- 65 years who have a disability who are not eligible by connecting them to local; services and supports. (02) 4545 3500
Bridges Disability Services- Registered NDIS provider, Centre based day programs, individual support, in house respite. After school program. School holiday program. Adult social programs. Camps, cruises. 1800 964 924
NSW Companion Card – is a program for people with significant and permanent disability who need a high level of care in the community. The Companion Card allows a cardholder's support person free entry into participating venues and events. 1800 893 044
Australian Red Cross - Telecross provides peace of mind and independence. A phone call each day to check you are OK. Telecross - / A volunteer will call you or you're loved one and check that you are well and also check in and provide a friendly voice, every day if needed.
Aged Care Services and Seniors Social and Wellbeing Services
Peppercorn Seniors Community Care- Seniors meal program. Community visitors scheme, lawn and garden maintenance, shopping shuttle buses, medical transport, community access and community transport. (02) 4504 7055.
Just Better Care Hawkesbury and Nepean Aged Care Services- Offers in the home social and lifestyle support services. (02) 4579 7137
Anglicare Social and Wellness Centre Aged Care Richmond- Offers planned activities in the Centre and out and about. 1300 111 278
My Health Connector services directory - My Health Connector - Directory of Social Supports, Wellbeing Services, Groups and Activities. The Directory is FREE and can help to connect older adults with local lifestyle groups and activities. For information contact PHN Wellbeing Connector Dana Stewart 0440 104 157
Australian Red Cross - Telecross provides peace of mind and independence. A phone call each day to check you are OK. Telecross - / A volunteer will call you or you're loved one and check that you are well and and also check in and provide a friendly voice, every day if needed.
Local Churches with Community Supports Available
Strong Nation Church - (02) 4577 6555
Kurrajong Baptist Church - (02) 4573 1886
Windsor District Baptist Church - (02) 4572 6952
Hawkesbury Valley Baptist Church - (02) 4571 4963