Plans for Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres revealed
Big changes are coming soon to Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres with more trees, and improved community and pedestrian spaces.
The projects are being funded through the Western Parkland City Liveability Program, a joint agreement between Federal, State and Local governments. Hawkesbury City Council nominated the revitalisation of Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres as its three projects.
Council engaged Place Design Group to deliver the detailed design for revitalising the town centres of Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor. The concept designs are now on Council's community engagement website, Your Hawkesbury Your Say at for the community to view.
The designs celebrate the existing heritage of these three town centres while improving the public places to boost and support the charm of the Hawkesbury region. The designs have specific aims for the town centres of Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor:
- Richmond - to be a vibrant cultural destination that attracts tourists locally and from across the state
- South Windsor - to be an updated contemporary town centre that provides for the needs of the local community and supports local businesses
- Windsor – to attract visitors to the centre by preserving and enhancing the natural and built heritage
Under the plans, mature trees will be planted in all three town centres to create a magnificent 'green boulevard', while pavement and pedestrian safety improvements will encourage visitors to walk and remain longer in our town centres.
Hawkesbury City Mayor Patrick Conolly said the changes will improve the environment, enhance the towns’ reputation as great places to visit and support local business.
“We want to both mitigate climate change and make long-lasting positive improvements to the Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres,” Mayor Conolly said.
“We know that Western Sydney already experiences extreme heat in summer and we are looking to futureproof the liveability and economic stability of the Hawkesbury.
“By planting street trees we can also reduce the reliance of cars by creating shaded spaces visitors are excited to visit and experience on foot.”
These improvements also meet Council's environmental sustainability targets (reduced temperatures and increased biodiversity).
The improvements include:
- Richmond Town Centre - tree planting, street upgrades, parklets and crossing upgrades as well as park furniture and open space improvements and an informal path to Richmond Post Office Site.
- South Windsor Town Centre - realigned parking with compliant accessible parking spaces in Mullinger Lane, new and improved pedestrian crossings, lighting, water efficient garden beds, tree planting, improved footpath paving and street furniture.
- Windsor Town Centre - enhanced paving and street furniture which is sensitive to heritage and the existing character; tree planting and pedestrian crossing upgrades. Windsor Mall would receive an events and performance space which will increase pedestrian activity, new upgraded paving, furniture upgrades, outdoor dining areas and tree planting.
Council has taken community feedback into account and as a result, Council is looking to plant the new trees in existing footpath verges wherever possible. Where this is not possible, new trees will be planted in the existing roadway in new small garden spaces, with every effort made to protect as much on street parking as possible.
Western Parkland City Liveability Program
This project is supported by the Western Parkland City Liveability Program and funded by all three levels of government via the Western Sydney City Deal. The Western Parkland City Liveability Program is a key commitment of the Western Sydney City Deal. The City Deals Liveability Program was established to enable each Council to implement a project to provide infrastructure improvements that will improve the built and natural environments and enable economic and social prosperity.
For further information about the Master Plan and Public Domain Plan, Liveability Project, ‘Revitalising Our Town Centres of Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor’, visit or contact Council’s Manager, City Design and Economic Development on (02) 4560 4444 or email