Macdonald Valley Community Project - Community Survey
Council has been working with the communities of St Albans and the Macdonald Valley over many years to plan and build the works identified in the St Albans Park Master Plan. These works are almost complete and they have made a valuable contribution to the local community.
Some of the features of the St Albans Park are:
- pathways creating connections
- picnic settings
- an electric BBQ
- steps to the beach
- bollard fencing
- restoration of the stone sculptures
Council has an allocation of $150 000 in next year’s budget for the Macdonald Valley community, in addition to funds that are available as part of bushfire recovery.
We would like to understand what the community identify as the Valley’s top three priority projects.
Complete the survey questions and let Council know your top priorities for your community.
Over the next few months Council will come back to the community with the results of this survey identifying the communities’ priority projects.
Survey closes Tuesday, 12 May 2020.