Revitalising our Town Centres – Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor

Provide your thoughts and ideas to help shape the future Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres
The Masterplans:
Masterplans will be developed and implemented to help revitalise the town centres of Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor for locals and visitors alike, while investigating new and improved uses which can be implemented across the whole of the Hawkesbury area.
Planning for the future of the Hawkesbury LGA needs to consider how the region is expected to grow and change over the next few decades. The Masterplans will recognise Windsor and Richmond as strategic hubs, supported by South Windsor, with a renewed focus on opportunities for:
Fluid and flexible spaces for different uses will be a priority for our towns and villages. Easy access, active uses and community places will mean new and revitalised opportunities for the Hawkesbury region.
We want a sense of place and community to shine through the final designs, and implementation to create places the community is proud of, which is why we need your help.
We want to hear more about what you like, don’t like and want to see within Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor to understand what makes the places you work, live and visit special.
Masterplan funding:
This project is supported by the Western Parkland City Liveability Program and funded by all three levels of government via the Western Sydney City Deal.
While the project will think big and plan for the future, it is also required to deliver practical on-the-ground town centre improvements within the allocated funding by 2022.
Community Consultation:
Engagement was undertaken earlier this year as part of the Placescore and Local Strategic Planning Statement processes.
Now we want to dig deeper to understand specific community sentiment regarding the Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor town centres. The Revitalising Our Town Centres project aims to represent the desires of the future while respecting past heritage and history.
Integrating community sentiment, ideas and ways to improve the towns that people live in are important when creating places for people. Placemaking fosters relationships and strengthens community ownership and pride.
This is why your thoughts and ideas are so important
Provide your thoughts and ideas by filling out our online survey here , or by leaving a comment on the project map which are provided below.
There will be stakeholder workshops held in late November 2019 and late January 2020 to help inform the masterplans. Please register your interest by sending an email to
More information:
Hawkesbury City Council has commissioned Urbis Engagement to collect your feedback. You can contact the Urbis team on 1800 244 863 or email for more information.