Place Plans Bilpin, Kurmond and Kurrajong
Consultation has concluded

What do you love most about Bilpin, Kurmond or Kurrajong, what you would like to change and what would you like to stay the same? Local residents, rate payers, employees and business owners are being encouraged to complete the survey below as part of Council’s place plans for Bilpin, Kurmond and Kurrajong.
Respondents can also rank their priorities for the areas on aspects such as tourism and hospitality, supporting the local economy, parking, parks, history, housing and community services.
A place plan is a long-term plan that provides a road map to guide future planning in local centres. It has an important role in determining the look, feel and function of the village centre environment. It guides and covers things like the built form, design, land use zones, open space, public domain improvements, road safety and heritage protections. Each Village Centre Place Plan will provide input into planning controls, grant applications and the use of Council resources.
The Plans will aim to improve the sense of place, ensure local business has the conditions to thrive, and to create a place that instils pride in the community. The place plans will provide Council with a strategic base from which to direct resources and investment into community ideas or proposals that are best for the community.
Council is undertaking place planning for all town and village centres in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area as part of Council’s Local Environmental Plan update. The Bilpin, Kurmond and Kurrajong Place Plans are being developed alongside these other plans.
Feedback from early engagement activities will be used to understand what people like about the centre as well as some of the challenges facing the community and local business.
Additional feedback will be sought from the community once the draft Place Plans have been prepared and then Council will exhibit the Plans to allow the community another opportunity to provide feedback and have their say on the Plans. This is expected to occur in the second half of 2022.