Welcome to Your Hawkesbury - Your Say
Your Hawkesbury – Your Say is one of the ways Hawkesbury City Council involves the community in its decision making processes. This online community engagement hub is a place for you to get involved, find out information and have your say about important issues and projects in the Hawkesbury. We appreciate that you have local knowledge, skills and experience to offer and we want to make the most of your feedback when making decisions.
Register now to share your ideas and participate. It's quick and easy to register - just simply click on the "register to participate" icon. As a registered member you will receive the full experience of Council’s online community engagement hub and the range of feedback tools offered.
To find out what projects Council is currently seeking community feedback on, simply scroll down to the list of current live projects and click on those you are interested in. You will be given options of ways to have your say for each. Current Surveys are also listed.
Your privacy is protected on Your Hawkesbury – Your Say to ensure a secure environment for idea sharing. The discussion forums and activities are moderated externally, independent of Council.
………it’s Your Hawkesbury - have Your Say
Your Hawkesbury – Your Say is one of the ways Hawkesbury City Council involves the community in its decision making processes. This online community engagement hub is a place for you to get involved, find out information and have your say about important issues and projects in the Hawkesbury. We appreciate that you have local knowledge, skills and experience to offer and we want to make the most of your feedback when making decisions.
Register now to share your ideas and participate. It's quick and easy to register - just simply click on the "register to participate" icon. As a registered member you will receive the full experience of Council’s online community engagement hub and the range of feedback tools offered.
To find out what projects Council is currently seeking community feedback on, simply scroll down to the list of current live projects and click on those you are interested in. You will be given options of ways to have your say for each. Current Surveys are also listed.
Your privacy is protected on Your Hawkesbury – Your Say to ensure a secure environment for idea sharing. The discussion forums and activities are moderated externally, independent of Council.
………it’s Your Hawkesbury - have Your Say
Your chance to have your say on the Hawkesbury-Hills merger proposal
Share Your chance to have your say on the Hawkesbury-Hills merger proposal on Facebook Share Your chance to have your say on the Hawkesbury-Hills merger proposal on Twitter Share Your chance to have your say on the Hawkesbury-Hills merger proposal on Linkedin Email Your chance to have your say on the Hawkesbury-Hills merger proposal linkThe NSW Government has released notification of a public inquiry in relation to the proposal to amalgamate the local government areas of Hawkesbury City Council and part of The Hills Shire Council.
The inquiry will take the form of three public meetings, two at Castle Hill RSL Club (day and evening option) and one at Hawkesbury Race Club (day option):
- Castle Hill RSL Club - Thursday, 4 Feb 2016 from 1pm to 5pm or from 7pm to 10pm, 77 Castle Street, Castle Hill
- Hawkesbury Race Club - Friday, 5 Feb 2016 from 1pm to 5pm, 1 Racecourse Road, Clarendon.
To attend or speak at the meeting you must register prior to Friday, 29 January online at https://www.councilboundaryreview.nsw.gov.au/proposals/hawkesbury-city-and-the-hills-shire-councils/ or by calling 1300 813 020.
Members of the public can also comment on the NSW Government’s proposal to merge Hawkesbury City Council with part of The Hills Shire Council up until 5pm Sunday, 28 February 2016. Submissions may be made either online atwww.councilboundaryreview.nsw.gov.au/proposals/hawkesbury-city-and-the-hills-shire-councils/ or by mail to GPO Box 5341 SYDNEY NSW 2001.
For further information about the history of this issue see http://yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au/getting-council-fit-for-the-future .
Hawkesbury Hills merger proposal – make your submission
Share Hawkesbury Hills merger proposal – make your submission on Facebook Share Hawkesbury Hills merger proposal – make your submission on Twitter Share Hawkesbury Hills merger proposal – make your submission on Linkedin Email Hawkesbury Hills merger proposal – make your submission linkSubmissions are now open to make comment on a NSW State Government proposal to merge Hawkesbury City Council with part of The Hills Shire Council.
Make a submission either online at www.councilboundaryreview.nsw.gov.au/proposals/hawkesbury-city-and-the-hills-shire-councils/(External link) or by mail to GPO Box 5341 SYDNEY NSW 2001 up until 5pm Sunday, 28 February 2016.
The Minister for Local Government, The Hon Paul Toole MP has advised Council that he has referred a council merger proposal relating to Hawkesbury City Council and part of The Hills Shire Council to the Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government for examination and report under the Local Government Act 1993.
The Chief Executive has delegated the function of examining and reporting on the proposal to a delegate, Mr Garry West. Mr West is a former politician who has held many ministerial portfolios including Local Government.
Mr West will prepare a report that considers financial impacts, communities of interest, elected representation, employment of staff, service and facilities, and the attitude of residents and ratepayers. This report will go to the Minister, as well as the independent Local Government Boundaries Commission, which will comment on the report.
Public submissions will be reviewed by the Delegate and used to inform the examination and reporting process.
A decision about the proposed amalgamation is not expected before the middle of 2016.
Mr West will also conduct a public inquiry which will probably take the form of a public meeting however at this stage Council does not have any further information about these arrangements.
Further information on the proposal and how to make a submission can be found at www.councilboundaryreview.nsw.gov.au/proposals/hawkesbury-city-and-the-hills-shire-councils/(External link).
Merger proposal announced by NSW State Government
Share Merger proposal announced by NSW State Government on Facebook Share Merger proposal announced by NSW State Government on Twitter Share Merger proposal announced by NSW State Government on Linkedin Email Merger proposal announced by NSW State Government linkToday the NSW State Government released details of its merger proposals for councils across the State as part of the Fit for the Future Reform Program. This included a proposal for Hawkesbury City Council and The Hills Shire Council to merge.
Details on the State Government’s proposal for the merger of Hawkesbury and The Hills can be accessed online at www.councilboundaryreview.nsw.gov.au(External link).
The Chief Executive of the Office of Local Government will now appoint a delegate to undertake a Public Inquiry (a public meeting for the community), call for written submissions and prepare a report against the criteria in the Local Government Act 1993. This process is to further determine the feasibility of the proposal and to provide the community with their chance to have their say on the proposal. It is proposed this will be undertaken in time for a possible March 2017 Local Government election.
Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Kim Ford said, “At this point, business will remain as normal for Council and services will continue to be provided to the Hawkesbury community.”
“I call for all the residents of the Hawkesbury to actively participate in any process seeking community feedback and will endeavour to ensure the community is informed as new information is released on this process,” he added.
Council’s Your Hawkesbury Your Site will be regularly updated with information on the Fit For the Future and Merger process. Visit the document library for current documents.
To find information on The Hills Merger Proposal
Share To find information on The Hills Merger Proposal on Facebook Share To find information on The Hills Merger Proposal on Twitter Share To find information on The Hills Merger Proposal on Linkedin Email To find information on The Hills Merger Proposal linkSee the Getting Council Fit for the Future page on this site.
Keep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger
Share Keep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger on Facebook Share Keep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger on Twitter Share Keep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger on Linkedin Email Keep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger linkKeep the Hawkesbury unique - say NO to a Hills Merger
Take our survey and tell us your views.
Tell the State Government we say NO by contacting:
- State Member for Hawkesbury, The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP, email hawkesbury@parliament.nsw.gov.au, phone (02) 9634 7474, mail to PO Box 298, CASTLE HILL NSW 1765 or in person 287C Old Northern Road, CASTLE HILL NSW 2154
- Minister for Local Government, The Hon Paul Toole MP, email office@toole.minister.nsw.gov.au, phone (02) 8574 7000, mail GPO Box 5341
- Premier of New South Wales, The Hon. Mike Baird MP email https://www.nsw.gov.au/your-government/contact-premier-new-south-wales phone (02) 9976 2773, mail GPO Box 5341 SYDNEY NSW 2001
Hills resolve to takeover Hawkesbury
Share Hills resolve to takeover Hawkesbury on Facebook Share Hills resolve to takeover Hawkesbury on Twitter Share Hills resolve to takeover Hawkesbury on Linkedin Email Hills resolve to takeover Hawkesbury linkA merger between the Hawkesbury City Council and The Hills Shire Council would be totally unworkable and impractical said the Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Kim Ford. This was in response to The Hills Council’s resolution to approach the State Government to indicate their willingness to merge with Hawkesbury City Council.
The report, which was full of misleading statistics and incorrect assumptions, was presented to The Hills Council at its Ordinary Meeting on Tuesday, 10 November 2015.
“The content of the report makes it abundantly clear that The Hills have no understanding of the needs and values of the Hawkesbury community or of the services and facilities that our Council provides.” the Mayor said.
“A merger is not the answer. Council has formed a strategic alliance with Penrith City Council and Blue Mountains City Council. This will allow us to achieve the efficiencies that local government reform is seeking while maintaining our autonomy and identity.
“The Hills propose an unworkable and impractical north-west super council which would stretch westward from North Parramatta to Bilpin covering a massive area of nearly 3,200 square kilometres. Our total area would be represented by, at best, three councillors out of 12 representatives.
“The Hills aggressive plan signals a potentially disastrous takeover for the residents of the Hawkesbury, who will be largely neglected due this under representation.
“I am deeply concerned that The Hills report indicates that a different rating structure may need to be applied to any Hawkesbury area of a merger. This may mean that Hawkesbury residents end up paying much more than current Hills residents,” said Councillor Ford.
A review of local government, which the State Government accepted, has indicated the preferred option for Hawkesbury City Council was no change and the latest assessment by IPART has indicated that Hawkesbury has the scale and the capacity to remain a stand-alone council.
“There is no evidence to suggest that a merger with The Hills has significant public support or a positive impact for the Hawkesbury.” he said.
“It seems The Hills primary focus in supporting the merger is the incentive of a cash grab from the State Government, most of which would be spent in merger costs. When neither the Hills nor the Hawkesbury have been asked by the State Government to consider a merger, this certainly seems like a hostile takeover bid.”
The Hills report also criticised the Hawkesbury’s financial position.
“This is coming from a Council that has a history of being financially mismanaged,” Councillor Ford said.
“Hawkesbury City Council acknowledges that it faces financial challenges due to its small rate base. A solid Fit for the Future plan, including 20 strategies, will be adjusted so that Council will meet all benchmarks for a metropolitan Council, even though we are a largely rural area.”
Hawkesbury City Council’s external auditor from PricewaterhouseCoopers addressed Council’s meeting last Tuesday, 10 November giving a strong assurance to the community that operating results are on track and improving.
The auditor advised that Hawkesbury City Council was in a good financial position, definitely sustainable and was certainly able to stand on its own, as it has for many years.
Residents denied access to merger report
Share Residents denied access to merger report on Facebook Share Residents denied access to merger report on Twitter Share Residents denied access to merger report on Linkedin Email Residents denied access to merger report linkThe Hills Shire Council continues to press for a takeover of Hawkesbury City Council with a confidential report being placed before Council this Tuesday night, 10 November 2015.
The Mayor of Hawkesbury, Councillor Kim Ford said that The Hills continues to press for a merger despite the fact that Hawkesbury City Council has the scale and capacity to continue as an independent local government body.
“The Hills Shire Council report conveniently neglects to mention that the government has only asked councils to consider merging if they or a neighbouring council were declared unfit due to ‘scale and capacity’” Councillor Ford said.
“The Hills has no right to seek a merger with the Hawkesbury. Neither the Hills nor the Hawkesbury have been asked by the Government to consider a merger.
“A confidential report in a closed council meeting denies both the residents of the Hills and the residents of the Hawkesbury the right to information concerning the future of their local government areas.
“All financial information regarding both Councils operations is publically available, so there is no reason why this report should be considered in a closed Council meeting.
“In the name of transparency, I strongly urge the Mayor of The Hills to make this report public.”
Hawkesbury City Council has satisfied The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s criteria to be fit for the future in terms of “scale and capacity” and two of the three financial criteria. The Hills Council was assessed as fit both in terms of “scale and capacity” and in terms of financial criteria.
“Council meets the scale and capacity requirements of the Fit For The Future (FFTF) process. As there is not an appropriate neighbouring council “not fit” due to scale and capacity to consider merging with, Council is not considering a merger,” the Mayor concluded.
Hawkesbury City Council has advised the NSW Government that it now intends to proceed with its FFTF proposal. It will review and amend the implementation of the proposal to achieve the required operating performance ratio, the only criteria that it previously did not meet. This will make Hawkesbury City Council Fit For The Future.
“We understand that residents are rightfully concerned about the possibility of losing local representation,” Councillor Ford added.
Residents can have their say by contacting their local State Member for Hawkesbury, The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP, email hawkesbury@parliament.nsw.gov.au, phone (02) 9634 7474, mail or in person 287C Old Northern Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154 and the Minister for Local Government, The Hon Paul Toole MP, email office@toole.minister.nsw.gov.au, phone (02) 8574 7000, mail or in person Level 17 NE
52 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000.
Councillors Stand United
Share Councillors Stand United on Facebook Share Councillors Stand United on Twitter Share Councillors Stand United on Linkedin Email Councillors Stand United linkAt a meeting held 2 November, 2015 Councillors of Hawkesbury City Council confirmed their support to stand united for Hawkesbury City Council to continue to remain as a stand-alone local government entity.
This stance is backed up by previous reports stating stand alone status as the appropriate outcome, the acknowledgement that Council has scale and capacity, and the commitment to meet all Fit for The Future sustainability criteria.
Councillors will continue to act to strengthen Council's position and act in the best interests of the future of the Hawkesbury and its residents.
Council declared unfit despite sustainable breakeven plan
Share Council declared unfit despite sustainable breakeven plan on Facebook Share Council declared unfit despite sustainable breakeven plan on Twitter Share Council declared unfit despite sustainable breakeven plan on Linkedin Email Council declared unfit despite sustainable breakeven plan linkThe Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) published its Assessment of Fit for the Future Proposals of all councils in New South Wales on Wednesday, 20 October.
Disappointingly, the IPART report deems Hawkesbury City Council as “Not Fit”. This appears to be due to Council not meeting the required Operating Performance Ratio (1 of the 7 criteria) by 2019/2020. Council’s submission indicated that this ratio would be met by 2021.
The Independent Local Government Review Panel’s (ILGRP’s) preferred option for Council was No Change to its boundaries and Council prepared its proposal, which included 20 strategies to ensure its financial sustainability, based on this.
Council will determine its response to the Assessment at its meeting to be held next Tuesday, 27 October.
In the meantime residents can make their views heard by contacting the State Member for Hawkesbury.
The latest on the horizon for the Hawkesbury
Share The latest on the horizon for the Hawkesbury on Facebook Share The latest on the horizon for the Hawkesbury on Twitter Share The latest on the horizon for the Hawkesbury on Linkedin Email The latest on the horizon for the Hawkesbury linkHawkesbury Horizon Initiative Project Team has had a very busy six months. We have been talking to lots of different stakeholders and gathering Big Ideas about what people see is on the horizon for the Hawkesbury. Our recently prepared third newsletter talks about how we gathered 350 Big Ideas from the community, the technical investigations the team are currently doing and what the next steps are. see the Hawkesbury Horizon Initiative Project to access the newsletter and much more information.
Photo Gallery
Live Projects
- Building Hawkesbury's Future
- Hawkesbury City Solar Program
- 1,000 kms of Roads
- 67,296 Residents
- Cultural Facilities
- Companion Animal Shelter
- Community Strategic Plan
- Parks & Reserves
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- Sewer Treatment Plant
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- Waste Management Facility
- Reimagine Windsor
- New Council Website
- Kurrajong Memorial Park Playground Upgrade
- Hawkesbury Indoor Stadium Community Consultation
- Revitalising our Town Centres – Richmond, South Windsor and Windsor
- Licence - Community Land Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre
- Bushfire Recovery
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Updates for Hawkesbury Residents
- LEASE COMMUNITY LAND - Upper Haweksbury Power Boat Club
- Colo Heights Community Project
- Bilpin's Community Project
- Public Exhibition of the Draft General Amendments to the HAWKESBURY LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2012 (LEP003/15)
- Consulting the Community - Public Exhibition of the Draft Operational Plan 2020/2021
- Exhibition of Draft Kurmond - Kurrajong Investigation Area Structure Plan 2019
- Public Exhibition of the Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 2 DP 1177011, 377 Bells Line of Road, Kurmond
- 2 Inverary Drive, Kurmond (Lot 2 DP 600414) - Exhibition of Planning Proposal
- Achieving Net Zero Emissions and Water Efficiency
- Prepared, Informed and Ready
- Flood Policy 2020 - Public Exhibition of Draft
- Works in Kind Policy - DRAFT
- Liveability Project - Revitalising Our Town Centres
- Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Employment Lands Strategy
- Colbee Park Plan of Management & Draft Landscape Masterplan
- Proposed Road Closing
- Public Exhibition of the Draft Vineyard Precinct Section 7.11 (Previously Section 94) Contributions Plan-Reviewed
- Road Naming Proposal Associated with Subdivision S960003/19
- McMahon Park Plan of Management
- Financial Statements 2019 - 2020
- Notice of proposed naming of Reserve – Freemans Reach
- Market Policy - DRAFT
- Windsor Mall Policy - DRAFT
- Public Exhibition of the Voluntary Planning Agreement for 631 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong
- Public Exhibition of the Draft Rural Lands Strategy
- Yarramundi & Navua Reserve Plan of Management
- Crown Land Plans of Management – Community Land
- Pesticide Use Notification Plan
- Jacaranda Development - Exhibition of Planning Proposal
- War on Waste and Living Sustainably Community Workshops
- Draft Business Recovery Plan
- Public Exhibition of the Draft Procurement Policy
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal (LEP001/17) – 27 Park Road, Vineyard and 41 Park Road, Mulgrave
- Pitt Town Public Domain Improvements
- Colonial Reserve Bligh Park Playground Upgrade
- Macdonald Valley Community Project
- Notice of Public Hearing – Reclassification of Land - LEP001/19 - 9 Industry Road, Vineyard, 312 Windsor Road, Vineyard, and 7 Fernadell Drive, Pitt Town - Exhibition of Planning Proposal
- Council Committee News
- Hawkesbury Community Hubs
- Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy
- Lease of Road Reserve
- Proposed Road Closing - Section of Toll House Way, Windsor
- Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP002/15 79 and 95 Bells Lane, Kurmond and 457 Bells Line of Road, Kurmond
- Adopted 2021/2022 Operational Plan - Additional Category of Fee Waiver or Reduction
- Sullage Pump-Out
- Public Exhibition - Draft Development Assessment Policy
- Draft Wayfinding and Signage Strategy
- Presentation of Financial Statements
- South Windsor Park - Playground Upgrade
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 38 DP 7565, 79 Bells Lane, Kurmond
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 31 DP 7565, 457 Bells Line of Road, Kurmond
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 12 DP 711049, 95 Bells Lane Kurmond
- Art and Craft Groups
- Draft Development Control Plan
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lot 2 DP 600414, 2 Inverary Drive Kurmond
- Waste Services Survey
- Code of Meeting Practice
- Hawkesbury City Council Alcohol Free Zones
- Road Naming Proposal Associated with Vineyard Precinct Stage 1
- Expressions of Interest - Community Representation on Council's Heritage Committee
- Bright Ideas to Build Resilience
- Community Grants and Support
- Skate Park/BMX Pump Track Consultation
- St Albans Community Hub
- Wilberforce Community Hub
- Colo Heights Community Hub
- Hawkesbury Resilience Plan - Online Survey
- Weekly Exercise and Yoga Classes
- Youth Forum
- Hawkesbury Community Hubs - Connecting the Community!
- Have Your Say on Our City's Future Plans
- Grose River Bridge Crossing
- Upper Colo Bridge Replacement - Heritage Interpretation Plan
- Food and Emergency Relief Services
- Exhibition of Draft Destination Management Plan
- Proposed Amendments to Redbank Voluntary Planning Agreement
- Mental Health Support
- Training and Workshops
- Road Naming Proposal Associated with DA0420/18 (68 to 82 Fairey Road) South Windsor
- Pitt Town Memorial Park - Playground Upgrade
- Ivy Avenue Reserve, McGraths Hill - Playground Upgrade
- Draft Community Engagement Policy
- Public exhibition of the draft Naming of Roads and Places Policy
- Hawkesbury Social Infrastructure Strategy
- Bowen Mountain
- Floodplain Management Sub-Committee - Expression of Interest
- Flood Recovery and Construction Panel - invitation to tender
- Hawkesbury Active Transport Plan
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP003/22 – 3 New Street, Windsor
- Draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy
- Peel Park BMX pump track
- Colonial Reserve BMX pump track
- Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2026
- Draft Media Policy on Exhibition
- Draft Child Safe Policy
- Redbank Creek Flood Study – Community Questionnaire
- Jack Gow Memorial Park Play Space
- Freemans Reach Reserve Play Space Survey
- Hawkesbury Library Service Program Survey
- Exhibition of Proposed Road Closure
- South Windsor Park Landscape Masterplan
- Draft Surveillance Devices Policy
- 2024 Draft Hawkesbury Active Transport Plan
- Customer Experience Team
- Cultural Plan
- Flood Recovery Information
- Draft 2024/2025 Operational Plan
- LEP002/23 – 1905 and 1913 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong Heights
- Kurrajong to Kurmond Cycleway
- Grose River Bridge
- North Richmond Community Precinct
- Richmond Swimming Centre
- Fernadell Park Community Centre
- Fernadell Park Redevelopment
- Proposed closure of Part of Contour Way, North Richmond
- ‘Street Speak’ an Urban Art Project
- Community Views on the litter challenges in Hawkesbury City Council area
- Hawkesbury Oasis Aquatic and Fitness Centre Improvements
- Volunteer With Us
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP004/23 – 172 Commercial Road, Vineyard
- Draft Communications and Engagement Strategy
- Bounty Reserve playspace
- Frank Mason Reserve playspace
- Hawkesbury Car Parking Survey
- Woodbury Reserve Redevelopment
- Draft Hawkesbury Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan 2025
- Hawkesbury Nepean River Coastal Zone Management program
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP005/23 - Redbank, North Richmond
- Woodbury Reserve Skate Park
- Classification of 6 McKinnons Road, Wilberforce
- Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Social Infrastructure Assessment and Strategy
- Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Section 7.12 Contribution Plan 2024
- Business Hub Newsletter
- Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2024
- Expression of Interest - Community Representation on Council's Heritage Committee
- Expressions of Interest - Floodplain Management Committee
- Exhibition of Draft Fireworks (Pyrotechnics) Display Policy
- Draft Redbank Creek Flood Study
- Public Exhibition of Council Governance and Risk Policies
- Proposed Easement at William Street Reserve
- Proposed Road Closure - Part of High Street, McGraths Hill
- Warks Hill Radio Tower - Licence Agreement
- Lease of Road Reserve - 43 March Street, Richmond
- Licence - Community Land Hawkesbury Oasis
- Timber Slab Barns and Outbuildings Study
- Shared Path Bridge over Rickabys Creek
- Draft Western Sydney Regional Affordable Rental Housing Contribution Scheme
- Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Litter Prevention Plan
- Turnbull Oval Redevelopment
- Tamplin Field Redevelopment
- Our Hawkesbury 2045 – Draft Community Strategic Plan
- Woodbury Reserve BMX pump track
- Woodbury Reserve Plan of Management and Master Plan - Community Survey
Archived Projects
- Draft Circus Policy
- Draft Hawkesbury Community Strategic Plan 2017 - 2036
- Lease - Community Land - Colonial Reserve, Bligh Park
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Lot 2 DP 805023 - 1420 Kurmond Road, Kurmond
- Public Exhibition - Redbank Precinct Community Land Plan of Management including Peel Park Master Plan
- 2017 Hawkesbury Youth Summit
- Public Exhibition of Road Naming - Barton Place, Blaxlands Ridge
- Public Exhibition - Draft Resourcing Strategy 2017–2027, Draft Delivery Program 2017–2021, and Draft Operational Plan 2017/2018
- Supplementary Draft Resourcing Strategy and Supplementary Draft Delivery Program
- Draft Hawkesbury Family and Domestic Violence Action Plan
- Getting Council Fit For the Future
- Hawkesbury Horizon Initiative
- Lease - Community Land - Richmond Tennis Complex, Windsor Street, Richmond
- LEP006/14 - Planning Proposal for 631 Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong
- Library Museum Gallery
- Performance in the Gallery: Tell us how to improve the program for you
- Public Meetings feedback survey - Listening to our Community Your Services Your Say
- Alcohol Free Zones
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Lot 87 DP 1040092, 219 Bells Line of Road, North Richmond
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement - Lot E DP 373372, 452 Greggs Road, Kurrajong
- Oasis Aquatic and Leisure Centre Survey of Users
- Public Exhibition of Draft Vineyard Precinct S7.11 Contributions Plan
- Public Exhibition - Peel Park Masterplan and Redbank Precinct Community Land Plan of Management
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal - Lot 3 DP 747089, 74 Longleat Lane, Kurmond
- Bligh Park Community Precinct Playground Replacement - Coming Soon!
- McLeod Park Playground Replacement - Community Consultation
- Council Connecting our Community Town Meeting Survey
- LEP013/16 - Planning Proposal for 2A - 8 Hawkesbury Valley Way and 383 - 395 George Street, Windsor
- Draft Thompson Square Conservation Management Plan
- Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement for Lots 431 and 432 DP 1189536, 431 and 431A Greggs Road, Kurrajong
- Governor Phillip Park Master Plan and Playground Upgrade
- Public Exhibition Draft Events Strategy
- Public Exhibition of Draft Operational Plan 2018/2019
- Draft Code of Meeting Practice on Public Exhibition
- Special Rate Variation Approval
- Peel Park Master Plan - Community Consultation
- Community Engagement Framework and Draft Community Participation Plan - DRAFT
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy
- Deerubbin Park Masterplan - Public Exhibition
- Provision of Information and Interaction between Councillors and Staff Policy - DRAFT
- Public Exhibition of Draft Operational Plan 2019/2020
- Church Street Reserve
- Draft Dementia Friendly Hawkesbury Plan
- General Approval for Pile Burning - DRAFT
- Hawkesbury Heritage Study
- Integrated Waste Management Strategy
- Gifts and Benefits Policy - DRAFT
- Public Exhibition - Lease Community Land, Ham Common
- Lower Portland Ferry
- Warks Hills Radio Tower - Licence Agreement Community Land
- Licence Agreement - Community Land
- Public Exhibition of the Hardship Pensioner Concession and Debt Recovery Policy
- Exhibition of Draft Hawkesbury Local Housing Strategy
- Road Naming Proposal Vineyard Precinct Stage 1 - Part 2 - (95495)
- Place Plans Bilpin, Kurmond and Kurrajong
- McQuade Park Plan of Management
- Proposed Adoption of ‘Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy'
- Public Exhibition - Draft Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2032
- Proposed Road Dedication - Bismarck Street McGraths Hill
- Public Exhibition of Audited Financial Statements for year ended 30 June 2022
- Proposed Road Closure - Bismark Street, McGraths Hill
- Road Naming Proposal Private Road - Right of Way/Easement of Services off Yengo Drive Putty
- Public Exhibition - Proposed Amendments to Redbank Voluntary Planning Agreement
- Public Exhibition – Draft Local Approvals Policy – Caravan Parks
- Licence – Part 142 Warks Hill Road, Kurrajong Heights
- Public Exhibition - Draft Place Plans
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP002/22 – 4 Hall Street, Pitt Town
- Public Exhibition of the Draft Customer Service Experience Policy, Customer Feedback Policy and Customer Service Experience Charter
- Macquarie Park Draft Plan of Management
- Macdonald River, Colo River, Webbs Creek and Greens Creek Community – We Want To Hear Your Flood Stories
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP003/23 – 7 and 9 Fitzgerald Street, Windsor
- Public Exhibition - Draft Managing Conflict of Interest for Council Related Development Policy
- Exhibition of Planning Proposal LEP005/22 - 6/21 Vincents Road, Kurrajong
- Draft Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
- Draft Climate Change Risk Assessment and Adaptation Action Plan
- Draft Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy
- Presentation of the Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2023
- Draft Urban Greening Strategy
- Draft Code of Meeting Practice